Chapter 3

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𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐚 shifted herself awake, groaning tiredly as she rubs her eyes. After a few minutes of waking up, she shoots out of bed when she remembers that today is the first day of her internship. Standing groggily, she looks around the room in search of Irene. Her ditzy roommate being nowhere to be found, she shrugs her shoulders and walks to the bathroom where she begins her morning routine at a quickened pace.

As she walks back to her dorm, she notices an envelope neatly placed in front of her door. Upon closer inspection, the contents of the envelope include a key card, and the schedule for her internship. 

 '9:00-10:45 AM room inspection and sanitization, consultation

10:45 AM-2:30 PM patient examination, check up

2:30-3:30 PM experiments, tests ensue.'

Dahlia reads the schedule, raising her eyebrows at the mention of experiments. Were they really going to make her experiment on someone? and what 'patient'? Questions and concerns began swarming through her head as she gripped the key card and schedule tightly and walked inside her dorm where she began getting dressed. She flattens out her skirt, and neatly adjusts her brown locs into a messy braid. Quickly grabbing her backpack and packing the key card into her backpack's front pocket, she makes her way out of the door, slightly shaking with excitement and anxiety. 

She quickly greets the teachers on her way out, and they all tell her 'Good luck' or 'Knock em' dead!' to which she responds with small smiles and nods. The anxiety only pools in the bottom of her stomach with each swift step she takes, and she rubs her arm in an effort to soothe her nerves. Taking a deep breath in and out, she gets in her car and begins driving to the address written down in her phone. The brunette arrives in an agonizing 12 minutes, occassionally taking small breaks to calm herself down. As she grips the wheel, her knuckles begin to turn white. "You got this, Dahlia." She breathes out and forces a smile, before stepping out of the car and walking towards the building. The building is white, polished, something you'd see in a science-fiction movie, with the words "Calloway Institute" written in big, dark letters on the side of the front wall.

She uses her key card to open the main door, the small black screen emitting a sudden beeping sound as she slides her card across the slick screen, causing her to jump slightly in surprise. All this does is worsen her anxiety, but she does her breathing exercises until the door opens. As she walks in slowly, she takes note of the waiting area. Few chairs are sprawled across the floor in an orderly fashion, and the front desk is seated in the middle of the room, where a bored looking woman sits answering calls. The woman looks to be around 40 years old in age, her ebony hair slightly greying at the roots and her face in a permanent scowl. She pushes up her thin glasses on the slim bridge of her nose, looking at Dahlia. "Something I can help you with, Miss?" She asks, her sullen tone not matching her words as she stares up at Dahlia with dull, lifeless green eyes. Dahlia gulps, feeling intimidated by the woman. 

"Yes, Hi. I'm here on an internship from HITSOD?" (Hurnam International School Of Demonology). Dahlia smiles nervously as she speaks to the woman. The woman stares blankly at her in response, before realization hits her. "Oh, yes of course! Welcome to Colloway Institute. HITSOD must be a hard school to get into." The older woman tries to spark up small-talk, smiling falsely at the nervous girl. "I'm Selma, I'll call Mr. Sullivan in now." Selma begins putting a number in to the old-looking phone. After a few rings, he responds and Selma begins. "Yes, Mr. Sullivan, I've got your HITSOD student here- Sorry, what's your name again, sweetheart?" Selma nervously asks the girl, and Dahlia smiles politely, "Dahlia Winslow.". 

Before Selma can get another word in, the door behind her busts open and there he is, in all his glory, Gerald Sullivan. One of the world's most well-known demonology scientists. He's rumored to have worked with over several real demons, and to own a copy of the Belethal summoning spell-book. 

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