Chapter 24

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𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐚 struggled against the much larger, much taller figure, panting and yelping. Managing to pull one of her arms out of his grasp, she switched the light on with trembling hands. A disheveled looking Lucien came into view, strands of his silver locs had fallen over his forehead and his lips were parted as he panted. 

"My little rabbit, I'm so sorry." He pleaded apologetically, crouching over to lean his head on her shoulder. She hugged him, shocked, but ultimately forgiving his actions. She wrapped her arms around his defined waist, holding him tightly as she weeped into his chest. Tears stained his already dirtied shirt, but she didn't dare pull back. 

"Lucien, I-I'm so glad you're okay." She hiccuped, and he chuckled softly, pressing a kiss against the top of her head. "Why wouldn't I be okay?" He asked, concern and confusion written on his face. She pulled away and sniffled, before he swooped her into his arms and carried her over to the gurney. He sat down, gently seating her on his lap, and she melted in his touch.

"I-I thought it was too late, they're trying to kill you!" She exclaimed, her eyes brimming with tears once more. He adoringly stroked her cheek, her face puffy and her eyes red. "I know, bunny. But trust me, I'm not going to let anything, or anyone, take you away from me," He spoke softly, and his kind words only increased the fluttering feeling in her stomach. "And you know I won't let them take you from me." She promised, her voice breathy and broken. 

He held her there, wrapping his arms around her protectively, and resting his chin on her head. 'What am I going to do with her? She's too good, too pure for all of this.' He thought to himself, furrowing his eyebrows. To him, Dahlia was the light at the end of this tunnel. His muse, his motivation to keep going, his faith. He had never felt such a strong need to protect someone. He felt as though she was a vulnerable flower, and everyone was waiting to bruise her delicate petals. 

He adored her with such devotion, such fiery passion, that he was dedicated to killing everyone and everything that tried to come between them. Oliver, to him, was all bark and no bite. Oliver knew about his and Dahlia's relationship, there's no way he couldn't. And he would know better than to impede his friend's happiness by killing the one man she truly loved. It was Gerald, however, who had his heart set on ruining everything. 

"I went into Gerald's office." Dahlia broke the silence, as though reading his mind. Lucien's ears perked up at this, "Oh?" He hummed, looking down at her. She looked back at him with a sad smile, and he swore he could feel his heart swell. "I saw the demon summoning book, and I saw all the files of the past demons." She explained, tapping her fingers against his arm. His eyes flashed with an alarming look, and he sighed. "So, there were other demons before Mortimer and I," He repeated, an unreadable expression written on his face, "Just as I expected." He finished, tightening his grasp on Dahlia.

"It didn't specify whether or not the serum worked for Mortimer, though," She furrowed her eyebrows, puzzled. He furrowed his eyebrows too, looking down at her, "You mean, it only said that he died? It didn't say how?" He questioned, and she nodded in confirmation. He hummed in thought, trying to conjure a reasonable explanation. Finally, "Do you think Gerald killed him himself?" He suggested, and Dahlia sat up. "You think there was some sort of foul play involved?" She queried, her eyes wide. He nodded, and bit his lip in thought.

Dahlia leaned back into her previous position, and contemplated the possibility of Gerald committing a murder. 'His hatred towards demons is quite exaggerated, who knows what lengths he'd go to in order to end one's life.' 

"Do you think I should go back and steal the book sometime?" She suggested, and he shook his head, chuckling lightly. "It's adorable that you want to help me, but It's just too risky. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." He disproved, but her desire to accomplish the task only grew deeper. She doesn't want to risk her life either, yes, but if Gerald was up to something, she'd want to be the first to find out. 

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