Chapter 29

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𝐌𝐫. 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 ran his hand through his greying hair, sighing intensely as Oliver drove them to Calloway Labs. "Okay, maybe we can re-trace their steps?" Oliver thought out loud, his eyebrows furrowed and a serious look on his face. The older man hummed at his suggestion, "Do you remember where the demon said he was taking her?" He asked, and Oliver groaned. 

"If he told me, we would be there right now!" Oliver snapped, and Mr. Simmons rolled his eyes.

"We need to get there before he gets there." Mr. Simmons added, and Oliver nodded in agreement. As they near the building, Mr. Simmons felt an increasing anxiety pitting in his stomach. After receiving the news about Dahlia, his emotions have been spiraling out of control. It was such a bizzare situation, yet he felt inclined to do everything he could to help. 

Oliver, of course, was also spiraling out of control. He felt lost, and scared for his friend. But most of all, he felt angry at his father. At his selfishness, and his ability to deceive everybody. He hadn't slept since that day, and it showed. He was on edge, and his nerves were at an all-time high. 

They got out of the car and walked to the front of the building, Oliver taking charge as Mr. Simmons trailed hesitantly behind him. Mr. Simmons was always intrigued by Calloway Labs, and always had a dream of working there. However, under these circumstances, it was the last place he wanted to be. 

Selma also felt out of control, she refused to go home after what happened despite Oliver begging her to stay calm. Instead, she sat at her desk sobbing uncontrollably, causing a seering headache and her eyes almost squinted shut from the swelling of her eyelids. She looked worse than she ever did before, and regret and grief showed on her face. 

The building was quiet, the only sounds heard being Selma's sniffles and soft breaths. Oliver's gaze softened as he laid his eyes upon her. Of course he was mad at her, they all were. She was the reason they got into this mess, but it was also the fear and worry inside her leading her actions. She was scared for Dahlia, she was scared she would end up like her daughter, which is why she did everything she could to stop it. However, after learning how Gerald was the one to end her daughter's life, the older woman couldn't forgive herself for what she did to Dahlia.

"Selma, how are you?" Oliver asked, his shoulders slumping as he took in the scene in front of him. Selma was seated at her desk, used tissues surrounding the surface and a few having fallen to the floor. She didn't say anything, and continued staring down at the floor. Mr. Simmons approached her.

"Hello, I'm Ryan. I'm Dahlia's professor." He extended a hand, and she only cried harder at his introduction. Losing your child is one of the worst feelings, and Selma felt as though she lost two of them. As the two men wandered around the halls, they finally reached the scene of the crime. 

Oliver's throat tightened at the sight of the dried up blood, and Mr. Simmons took in a shaky breath. 

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Gerald frantically, and angrily, paced the empty midnight streets, looking for somewhere to stitch his wounds. He had three large gashes in his arm from when Lucien harshly tore Dahlia from his grasp, and he was beginning to lose consciousness from the blood-loss. He stumbled into a 24-Hour veterinarian's office, and slumped against the front desk.

The young man at the desk jumped once he saw Gerald with sweat dripping down his forehead and clutching his arm. Blood seeped through the make-shift bandage he created by tearing the bottom half of shirt off, and it coated his hand as he held his arm up. 

"I need... a doctor," Gerald panted, his voice guttural, "Jin." He read the young man's name-tag, and the young man stammered. 

"We-We only treat.. Animals, here." Jin explained, his voice slightly shaking. Gerald used his good arm to pull Jin close to him by his shirt, "Get me a goddamn doctor, now!" He yelled, specks of spit hitting Jin's cheek. Jin immediately pulled himself back, and ran into the doctor's office. Gerald leaned his head on the desk, shutting his eyes.

"Hello, how can I help-" The doctor began, his shoes tapping against the floor as he walked towards Gerald. Gerald pulled the gun out of his pocket. Despite not having bullets, and being practically unusable, he decided his best bet would be to use it to scare him. He pressed the gun against the doctor's temple, and the doctor's eyes widened. 

"Fix... My arm." Gerald demanded in a whisper, shaking. The doctor nodded rapidly, fear evident on his face. 

He followed the doctor into his office, of course, with the gun pressed against the back of his head. As they made it in, Gerald sat on the gurney, wincing slightly. The doctor, who Gerald learned was named Dr. Wentz, began peeling the fabric off of Gerald's wound. Gerald yelped, the fabric being stuck to his dried blood. Dr. Wentz was taken aback by the sizeable wound, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"How did you get this?" He asked, examining the wound. "It doesn't matter how I fucking got it, fix it!" Gerald yelled, and the man complied. After a few hours of cleaning the wounds, stitching them up, and then dressing them, Gerald was finally able to use his arm again. Of course, there was still an agonizing pain, but this time it was more bearable. 

As he walked out of the building, he began devising a plan on how to catch the girl and her demonic lover. 

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