Chapter 26

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𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐚 nervously fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. Today was the day her plan would course into action, and she didn't know why, but she had a gut-wrenching feeling that she should abandon the plan all together. Ignoring her subconscious, she strolled down the halls of the college. "Good morning, Mr. Simmons!" She greeted cheerily, and he gave her a confused smile. "Good morning, Dahlia. Your classes aren't until the weekend, why-" He asked, but she cut him off.

"Bye, see you Saturday!" She called out as she speed-walked away, and he looked back at her, puzzled. Dahlia was overwhelmed with excitement, adrenaline, and anxiety, and last night she'd finally gotten the proper amount of sleep, so her energy was way up. She thought of the way Gerald would finally be exposed, and the business would be handed to Oliver. Then, she thought about how well her friend would do, handling the business and turning it back into the haven of learning it once was. Finally, she thought of Lucien, and how they would finally be able to have a happy relationship, without having to hide it and without fear of Gerald finding out.

As she drove, the car radio played an upbeat, happy song that suited her mood. Today was going to be the day where everything finally came into plain sight. She hummed along to the beat of the song, and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel melodically, smiling while thinking about her lover. 

As she made it to the building, she smiled at Selma on the way in. Selma didn't return the gesture, and gave her a regretful frown. She furrowed her eyebrows at this, but ignored it. "Dahlia, Gerald wants to see you in his office." Selma spoke, and a gut-wrenching feeling filled the pit of Dahlia's stomach. "Wha- Why?" Dahlia asked with a shaky breath. "Just come with me." Selma demanded, and dragged Dahlia into the hall by her arm. The young brunette struggled against Selma's death grip, before being released suddenly and almost losing her stance. She looked up and saw Gerald, with a scowl on his face.

"Dahlia, what on God's green earth are you thinking, breaking into my office and snooping through my things?!" He yelled, grabbing her arm. Dahlia looked back at Selma with wide eyes, "Selma, what the fuck?!" She exclaimed, her voice cracking as the betrayal finally sets in. Hearing the commotion, Oliver runs out of the lab. "What the hell is happening?!" He yells, staring at the scene. Dahlia is thrown onto her knees while Gerald grips her arm harshly. 

"You were right, Dahlia Winslow. I did kill Mortimer, I shot him right here in this hall! And that dumb little girl, too. It's unnatural and disgusting for a human and a demon to date!" He spat, shaking Dahlia. They all looked at him, jaws dropped and eyes wide. "You-You killed my daughter?!" Selma screamed, tears brimming her eyes. Oliver only stared at his dad with disbelief, frozen in shock. 

Before anyone could react any further, Gerald reached into his back-pocket and pulled out a small gun, holding Dahlia up and pressing the gun against her temple, his finger dangerously close to the trigger. "No!" Dahlia begged, tears running down her rosy cheeks. Oliver and Selma both screamed at him to let her go, but Gerald didn't listen, and instead laughed loudly. 

"I should've killed you when I first found out you were sleeping with that filthy demon, you little bitch." His voice rang in her ears, and she screamed and thrashed around in his arms, while Oliver tried his best to pull his father off of the hysteric girl. Selma only fell to her knees in shock, her eyes wide as she stared at the floor. 

Dahlia successfully managed to kick her leg up and hit him between the legs, sending him back, hunched over in pain. The gun fell from his hand and slid across the floor, and Dahlia and Oliver pounced at it. Before they could reach it, Gerald grabbed it once more and Oliver grabbed Dahlia, pulling her back and standing next to her. He pointed the gun at all three of them, and the only sounds to be heard in the hallway were Selma's sobs and Dahlia and Oliver's pants. 

Suddenly, a gunshot is heard, and Dahlia's vision turns pitch black. Her body collides with a hard surface, and screaming is the last thing she hears. Her limp body stays that way for what seems to be days, until her eyes shoot open and she cries out in pain.

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