Chapter 21

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(A/N: HI! sorry for the short hiatus, but I'm back now and ready as ever. Thank you all so much for 6.5k reads!)

𝐃𝐚𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐚 wiped the loose droplet of drool that had dripped down her chin. Lucien grabbed her waist and spun her towards him, gripping her chin and forcing her to look up at him. "Let me see that pretty face while I fuck you." He chuckled darkly, before pushing her onto his mattress. She looked at him breathlessly, her face red and her eyes wide, and he stroked her cheek with his claw before using his hands to roughly spread her legs. She yelped in surprise, her legs on fire and her wetness coating her inner thighs. 

He groaned at the sight, and teasingly rubbed his hardened cock through her folds, she cried out in frustration and desperately grinded her hips against him. He stopped, and shook his head. "Beg for it, let me see how much you want it." He mocked, his voice raspy and rough in a way that shook her to her core. "Please, Luci-" She pled, trembling under him. He cut her off by harshly slamming his cock deep inside her, and she gasped. He held her in place by holding her hips down, squeezing the soft skin between his rough fingers.

They groaned in unison, Lucien almost losing control when he feels her walls tighten around him. Her cries of pleasure echo through the room, and practically bounce off of the empty walls. He quickens his pace when he hears her noises increase in volume, and she slams her eager pussy against him one last time before letting out a loud moan. 

Lucien groans in response, feeling her warmth overtake him, "Fuck." He growls. Shaking slightly, he releases deep inside her. 

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The breathless brunette slips her underwear back on, grimacing at the wet feeling and internally cursing Lucien for ripping them open. She huffs and quickly pulls her skirt back up, as it was previously pooling around her ankles. Lucien laughs loudly from the mattress, "You look really cute when you're trying to save your dignity, you know that?" His voice mocks her, and she rolls her eyes at him playfully before chuckling as well. He comes up behind her, and kisses her neck, before walking back into the lab. "What was I supposed to do while Oliver is out?" She whispers to herself, trying to remember her task. 

Oliver was taking a suspiciously long time, but she shrugged and sat on the stool in front of the gurney. Lucien and her proceeded to stare at each other in silence, but it wasn't an awkward, painful, silence. It was a comfortable, knowing, silence. It was enjoyable, and Dahlia appreciated his presence. Breaking the silence, Lucien spoke, "So, what happened?" He tilted his head, his voice soft. She furrowed her eyebrows at him, "What?"

"With your ex-boyfriend. I heard you and Oliver talking." He adds, looking at her. She sighs, looking down. "It's really nothing, I hate talking about it." She admits, laughing bitterly as she's reminded of the grim situation. Her little moment with Lucien had distracted her for the time being, but she'd do anything to completely rid her thoughts of the couple.

"Just tell me anything, then. I know most of our moments lead to us fucking like rabbits, and not that I don't love it," He makes a serious hand gesture, and continues "I want to hear about you." He smirks. She gnaws on her lip, and breathes deeply.

"Well, my dad died when I was young. It's only been my mom and I ever since, and we have a strong relationship. My favorite color is purple, my favorite animal is a jellyfish, and my only friend is Oliver. Your turn." She says quickly, cringing at the mention of her dad. She always hated talking about him, and she always hated talking about herself even more.

He hums, nodding slightly as he takes in her words, before beginning to talk about himself, "My dad died too. Right here in this laboratory, actually. My favorite color is red, and we don't have many animals where I'm from. You're the only human who has ever treated me well." He explains, and her gaze softens as she hears about his dad.

"Your dad was Mortimer, right?" She asks gently, scanning his face. He nods, his eyes glued to her. "I thought humans were the enemy, for the longest time, until I met you." He adds, his voice dry and raspy. Her heart positively melts at the confession, and she smiles at him softly. 

"Maybe they are." She replies, looking down. As if on queue, Oliver bursts through the doors. "My God, how long was I gone?!" He sighs, exasperated, and places the bag on the table. "Sorry I'm late, the line was so long, and the woman in front of me kept changing her mind." He explains, whining immaturely. Dahlia laughs and opens the bag, "It's okay, you didn't miss much." 

"Really? Because it smells like sex in here." He furrows his eyebrows, and she freezes. Lucien calls out "That might just be your breath.", And Oliver huffs in annoyance. "You shut up, Demon." They give each other a stare that can only be described as ultimately deathly and threatening. Dahlia steps between them, sensing the tension.

"Can there be one day where you don't try to rip each other's heads off?" She scolded, and Oliver looked down sheepishly and quietly apologized, meanwhile Lucien rolled his eyes and let out a string of obscenities towards the male. "You know, you guys could try to be friends." Dahlia suggests, and Oliver's eyes widen while Lucien's eyebrows furrow.

"No way!" They exclaim in unison, Oliver's voice slightly higher pitched than Lucien's. She rolled her eyes at them and began eating her sandwich, before nearly spitting it out. "Eugh- Why is it wet?!" She crinkled her face, and spat the bite into the nearby trash-can. Oliver groaned, "Your coffee spilled in the bag, I forgot to tell you." 

"I'll take it." Lucien suggests, and catches the sandwich perfectly in his hand when Dahlia chucks it his way. "That's gross, dude." Oliver cringes, and Lucien takes a big bite before mockingly moaning, "Your face is grosser.". The frustrated man scoffs, and Lucien smirks in victory.

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