Chapter 3: Graduation Party

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(Cathy's outfit)

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(Cathy's outfit)

Aunt Gemma and Uncle JT decided to throw us one hell of a graduation party. I tried my best to get out of it, but everyone was standing their ground. So I was forced to go. Jacob was pissed "Why can't you just tell them all NO!" I said "Because Jacob this is my family and I want to see everyone before I break the news that I'm leaving Charming with you." Jacob said "Well you better tell them tonight, because we are leaving tomorrow morning," I knew this was going to be extremely hard. I got showered, shaved, and dressed. I decided to dress like I used too one last time.
I made it to the clubhouse. I kept thinking how am I going to tell everyone about Jacob and that I'm leaving in the morning. I pulled onto the lot and the party was in full swing. I seen Jax running over to my car, "Cathy, It's about time you got here." He looked so good in his kutte. Him and Opie patched in on graduation day. I was proud of them. I'm probably going to miss him the most. Jax said "Earth to Cathy." I smiled " Hey Jax, What's going on?" Jax looked at me "Tara left me." I was shocked. Then in the back of my mind I kept thinking this could be my chance, but then I remembered that I'm leaving in the morning.
I said "What happened." Jax said "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to get drunk and hang out with my best friends tonight." I smiled. We walked into the clubhouse, and I hugged by everyone.
My dad became a member of the Sons shortly after we arrived in Charming 13 years ago. My mom and Aunt Gemma became instant best friends. When those two women are together and start barking orders, everyone jumps and does what they say or they will have a size 9 leather high heel boot up their asses. My dad, Uncle JT, and Uncle Piney's friendship just picked up just like it was when they were in the Marines.
We partied hard all night. Lindsay and I played Jax and Opie in a game of pool and we dominated their asses. I think I drank 3 full bottles of Jack Daniels. Let's just say I was extremely drunk. Jax was the same way. Lindsay and I danced all night.. Jax stood back talking to Opie. Opie slapped Jax "Hey man did you hear what I said". Jax shook his head No.. Opie finally followed Jax's eyes and seen that he was staring at Cathy. Opie laughed and said " Why don't you tell her how you really feel". Jax smiled and walked over to Cathy. He grabbed her by the arm and said " Let's go up to the roof and talk". Jax and I were up on the roof talking about everything. Jax looks over at me "I love you Cathy." I was shocked. The next thing I knew Jax was slamming his lips on mine and was kissing me with so much force, passion, and love that I couldn't think straight and I started to kiss him back with the same amount.

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