Chapter 9: Phone Call Home (part 2)

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Gemma spoke "He has already asked your parents for their blessing to make you his Old Lady. He did it the night of the party before you got there. He even took it to Church, plus he asked Uncle JT and Uncle Piney." I said "What! Why would he want a disgusting fat, worthless biker whore." I looked over at Hap and I could tell he was getting pissed. Aunt Gem said "Cathy Lynn, you listen to me and you listen good. You are not fat, worthless or a biker whore. You are beautiful, strong, smart and The fuckin Princess of Samcro baby. No more putting yourself down or listening to any pieces of shit men. When I come see you, you better be back to the old you and not giving a fuck what people think."
You laughed, Happy was laughing and smiling. "Yes Aunt Gemma. Is Uncle JT, daddy and mama there?" "Yes baby. Hold on let me get them and then I'll put you on speaker." "Ok Auntie." You sat there waiting, when Kozik came in with my food and smokes. Happy and I both held up our fingers to tell him to be quiet. Kozik nodded. I heard talking. "They are here. Go Ahead."

"Daddy?" "OMG Princess, Are you alright

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"Daddy?" "OMG Princess, Are you alright. What happened." I spoke "Yes daddy, I'm fine and I'm safe. I'm so so sorry Daddy, Mama, and Uncle JT for leaving like I did." My mama spoke "Princess, it's ok. We love you. Please come home." "I can't right now Mama. I'm sorry. I need to finish up some shit before I can come home. I promise I'll keep in touch every chance I get. I love you guys so much. I promise I'm safe now." Uncle JT spoke up "What do you mean by that Princess." I took a deep breath "Did you guys get the letter about the guy named Jacob?" They all said "Yes." "Well he beat me up pretty badly tonight." I could hear my daddy getting pissed. "Daddy, I'm safe now. I took off after he passed out and ran into a friend. He helped me out and cleaned me up. I'm going to stay with him and his roommate for awhile. I promise I'll come home soon." My mama said "Ok Princess." "I love you guys and I promise to call soon."
"Aunt Gemma, Do you have Jackson's number. So I can call him." "Yeah babygirl, it's (209) 555 7169." I said "I love you guys. I got to go. Later." I hung up the phone. Hap looked at me "Are you Ok Lil girl." Kozik looked worried. I just nodded my head yes. Hap and Kozik sat there while I ate my food. I finally finished and I grabbed a cigarette and lit it. I looked at Hap and Koz an said " I'm really don't want to make this next call." Koz spoke "Kit Kat, you need to call him and let him know that you are ok." I nodded and thought here goes nothing.

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