Chapter 5: Tacoma

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Everything was going fine until about 2 months of being in Tacoma. I was getting sick a lot and I didn't understand why. So while Jacob was at school, I decided to go see the doctor. Sitting the doctor's office was pure torture and stressing me the fuck out. Finally my name was called. The doctor ran some tests and it turns out that I was 8 weeks pregnant. I started to cry. The nurse came and took me to get an ultrasound done. I started to cry again. The nurse looked confused. "Is there something wrong with my baby". The nurse shook her head No, "You are pregnant with twins Ms. Blair". I was shocked. I was crying yet again when I got to hear their heartbeats.

I had to figure out a way to tell Jacob, but then something in the back of my mind told me that it wasn't his

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I had to figure out a way to tell Jacob, but then something in the back of my mind told me that it wasn't his. Then something hit me like a ton of bricks. These aren't Jacob's twins. He always wore protection. And him and I barely had sex. I really started to cry, I'm pregnant with my best friend's babies. I decided to keep everything quiet for now, until I figure out what to do. I'll just let Jacob think it's his until it's time to cross that bridge. I got back to the apartment 20 minutes before Jacob was due home.
Jacob walked in and he was drunk to say the least. He looked at me and started screaming "You are a fat, worthless biker whore." He slammed me up against the wall "You are lucky that I even let you near me. I can't fuckin stand you Cathy. I'm only with you because I feel sorry for you." I was crying at this point. He grabbed me by the throat and squeezed hard. I was trying to yell at him "Let me go you sick bastard." He punched me in the face. "You are worthless. I can't even fuck you without thinking about other girls, just so I can get off." At this point I knew I had to protect myself and my twins.
He finally let go of me and I dropped to the floor. He started punching and kicking me. I kept my arms around my stomach to make sure nothing happens to my babies. I finally had of enough of his shit. I stood up and punched him in his fuckin face. "Who the fuck do you think you are. I'm the fuckin Princess of Samcro, you will never put your hands on me again." He was shocked "You fuckin bitch." He punched me again in the face, Finally after about 20 minutes he went into the bedroom. I continued to lay on the floor acting like I was knocked out. When I heard snoring, I jumped up grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

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