Chapter 4: The Mistake

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The next morning:The next thing I remembered was waking up in Jax's dorm naked and extremely sore

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The next morning:
The next thing I remembered was waking up in Jax's dorm naked and extremely sore. "Good Morning Darlin." Jax said. I jumped up and looked at him "Please Jax tell me we didn't." He just gave his famous Teller smile. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." was all I kept saying while I was rushing to find my clothes. Jax said "Hey, Hey what's wrong Cathy." I looked at him "Nothing Jax, Please tell me that we used protection." Jax shook his head NO. "FUCK!!" I ran into the bathroom to get dressed. I checked my body and neck for marks and I was so relieved when I didn't find any.
I quickly got dressed and ran out the dorm. Jax was yelling for me. I was so happy that no one was awake. I rushed home and called Jacob. He said "I'll be there in a hour, make sure you have everything ready." I started packing up as much clothes I could fit into 2 duffel bags. I had everything by the door, so I sat down and started writing a letter to my parents and Jax.

Dear Mom, Dad, Lindsay, and Sons,
I'm sorry for leaving without telling you guys why. I love you all. Please remember that. I'm sorry that I can't tell you guys where I'm going, but remember I'm the fuckin Princess of Samcro. I've been secretly dating a guy named Jacob since my junior year. Last night was the best night I've had in a long time. I got to spend my last days in Charming with everyone that I love with all my heart.

Dear Jax,
You are my best friend and I love you so much. I have been in love with you since I was 5 years old. Last night was amazing, but it shouldn't have happened. I will always love you Jackson. Please be careful and safe. I'm going to miss you the most. Please take care of everyone.

I love and miss you all!!

I wiped the tears from my eyes when I heard a honk. I left the note, my phone and my car keys on the table. I took one last look around and my eyes focused on a picture of Jax and I at Fun Town.. Tears started to form in my eyes, I slowly shook them away and walked out the door.

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