Chapter 8: Phone Call Home!

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I began to tell them "The night before I left Aunt Gem and Uncle JT threw Jax, Opie, my sister Lindsay and I a graduation party

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I began to tell them "The night before I left Aunt Gem and Uncle JT threw Jax, Opie, my sister Lindsay and I a graduation party. Jax and I got pretty drunk and we had sex. That was about 9 weeks ago. I'm 8 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins. Jacob and I always used protection. So I know for 100% that it's not Jacob's." Happy and Kozik looked at each other and nodded. "Cathy, You can stay with Happy and me until you figure out what you want to do. We promise to keep you and our lil monsters safe. And if shit gets too bad here then we can take you to Happy's mom in Bakersfield until you have the babies." I nodded yes.
Happy handed me a new burner phone, "Call your family lil girl." I agreed "Ok, can anyone get something to eat, drink and cigarettes, Please." Kozik smiled "What do you want Kit Kat." "Cheeseburger with everything, cheese fries, Mountain Dew and Marlboro Black Menthol 100's." I grinned. Happy laughed "Hungry lil girl." "Hey I am eating for 3 now remember." Kozik laughed "Coming right up Kit Kat." Koz left the room. Happy sat beside me "Do you want me to stay or leave". "Stay please." He nodded "I got you lil girl".

    I dialed the number to TW, "Hello, Teller-Winston, How can I help you?" I knew it was Aunt Gemma

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I dialed the number to TW, "Hello, Teller-Winston, How can I help you?" I knew it was Aunt Gemma. "Aunt Gemma." "OMG baby girl, Where are you?" I started to cry. Happy started rubbing my back to calm me down. I said "I'm ok Auntie, I'm safe. I'm so so sorry I left like I did, but I didn't have a choice. I know everybody must hate me." "Aww baby, no one hates you. We are all worried about you. You scared us all. Jax has been on a war path trying to find you. He is lost without you baby. He is blaming himself for you leaving."
"Aunt Gemma, I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not tell anyone and I mean no one Auntie." "I promise baby girl." I looked at Hap and he nodded. "I'm 8 1/2 weeks pregnant Auntie, and It's Jax's babies. The night of our graduation party. Jax and I got pretty drunk. He told me that he loved me, and I woke up the next day in his bed naked. I knew we had unprotected sex." It was silent "Aunt Gemma." She finally spoke "I'm here baby girl. What do you mean by babies." I said "I'm pregnant with twins." I heard her laugh. "I know all about that night. Jackson told me everything, that's why he is blaming himself." I said "I'm scared Aunt Gemma."
"Aww baby, I'm here and I will help you. I will come see you and we will work everything out. I promise to keep your secret until you are ready to tell everyone. Just so you know Jackson hasn't touched anyone since you left. He really loves you sweetheart."

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