20. 🖤

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Nikolai, the split-haired man, and I strolled around the streets, until we came across a small alleyway. He led us deep into it, then abruptly stopped, and twirled to face us.

"Alright you two! So, to get to Mersault, we have to use my ability! You first Sigma, make sure hold little Y/N's hand so she can follow behind you!" Nikolai you explained. A yellow-bordered portal appeared, it must've been his ability. Sigma hesitated, but took my hand and leaped into the portal. Immediately the scenery changed, so we must've arrived at the prison Dazai was staying at. Nikolai arrived shortly after, with a briefcase in his hand.

The room was in immaculate condition, a pearly white coated the walls. Even though I had barely met the man, I stuck close to the split-haired man, Sigma, because we had just broken into a prison! This kinda stuff is what criminals do!

"I cannot wait to find out who will outsmart who! Oh what fun this will be!" Nikolai grinned.

"When do I get to see Dazai?" My voice interrupted him.

"In a minute little one! Just you wait patiently and he'll be here before you know it!"

Nikolai focused his energy on his ability. I think he created a portal from the cells to where we were.

Firstly, a familiar man fell through the portal, I just couldn't tell where I knew him from.

"Fyodor!" Nikolai cheered before running over to greet the man.

"Hello Nikolai, it seems you brought guests." That voice... I looked up to meet the man's eyes, purple, what an interesting colour, that I had for sure seen before. The memories came back to me slowly, the longer his eyes burned into my own.

"But it's all your choice, test subject 2528,"

Him. The purple-eyed man who randomly appeared when Dazai was in hospital. He knows my true past, god knows how. He knows I was never from this ability-run world.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Y/N," The man stalked up to me, then kneeled down to my level, "Let me formally introduce myself. I am Fyodor Dostoyevsky," He took my hand and forcefully shook it, a smirk appearing on his face.

"How do you know about me Mr Fyodor?" I asked, bluntly. A small chuckle came from him as he finally let go of my hand.

"There's no time for me to go into the details, but I'll have the time to tell you once we get out of here, sound like a plan?" His presence felt so daunting, like he was analysing my every move just to use it against me. I nodded shyly, lowering my head to not meet his gaze. Fyodor stood back up and headed over to take a seat away from me, thankfully. I stumbled back over to Nikolai, gripping onto his striped pants.

"Time to get Dazai now, are you excited little Y/N?" He smiled down at me.

"Yes! I can't wait!" I enthusiastically jumped up and down, waiting for the arrival of my long lost best friend: Dazai.

Nikolai focused again, and created another portal, this time with Dazai falling through. He landed in an awkward position, rolling over backwards. Once he gained his senses back properly, he had a look around the room before his gaze set on me. I smiled cheerfully.


"Dazai!" My body moved without any command, and I went sprinting into his arms. He wrapped around me tightly.

"I missed you Y/N, has Chuuya been taking good care of you?" He asked, pulling away slightly.

"Yes! We had fun together, but then he went missing!" I explained to him, using gestures to try explain to him better.

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now