24. 🥰

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The agency seemed to be particularly quiet recently, only some simple jobs being given out weekly. I continued with my tutoring, Miss Louisa would come in daily to help with my English, and Kunikida would teach me some maths once a week.

It was almost too quiet. Something was fizzing in the background, waiting for its moment to explode.

"Y/N? Your not busy are you?" Naomi asked, walking over to where I was playing with my dolly.

"Not at all!" I replied cheerily.

"Well the girls and I were planning on doing some shopping, we were wondering if you and your dolly would like to join us. Oh and yes we asked Dazai and he said okay," she explained.

"Of course Naomi I would love to!" I jumped off the couch, and basically ran over to where the other girls were grouped.

"Alright are we all ready?" Yosano asked, her gaze scanning through all of us. I nodded enthusiastically, ready to spend a day with the girls of the agency.

We took the elevator down, and started shopping immediately. Naomi dragged us into many stores, and after half an hour her arms were full with different bags. Yosano was also extremely addicted to buying new shoes she definitely did not need. Haruno, Kyouka and I kept wandering behind the girls, nothing taking our interests apart from the delicious street food.

"Miss Haruno, may I take Y/N to the crepe stall over there?" Kyouka poked Haruno before pointing over to a tiny stall with a delicious smell coming from it.

"Of course Kyouka, go ahead we'll be here." Kyouka smiled slightly then took my hand so we could head over to the crepe stall.

"Hello you two! How may I help
You today?" The stall holder said with a smile on her face.

"2 chocolate crepes please."

"Coming right up my lovelies!" She grinned, then started cooking the crepes. The two of us waited patiently by the side of the cart. Looking up at Kyouka I could see her scan the area around us with a serious face, it must be an old habit of hers.

"Here you go lovelies!" The lady held out two crepes, the chocolate oozing out of them.

"Thank you miss!" I exclaimed as Kyouka took the two crepes and handed one to me. She smiled happily before getting back to making some more crepes. It looked like the most delicious thing I had ever seen, and the smell definitely helped prove that.

The two of us started walking back to where the other girls were, our brains occupied on how to eat the chocolate crepe without it spilling everywhere, at least mine was. Neither of us noticed when we strayed away from each other, just that somehow I ended up down an alley, staring at the most beautiful jewel I had seen in my life, while Kyouka had continued walking back to the girls.

The bell ringed when I opened the door, and I could see a lone man playing with matchsticks on the counter. The store smelt cozy, like hot chocolate during the winter. From the classic books to the golden necklaces, everything here looked perfect. The worker's eyes were trained on me, yet he didn't dare speak a word. One particular jewel drew me in, like a siren singing to lure her prey. It was a sunlight blue with a fancy silver border.

"I see you've taken an interest in this diamond, it's new to the collection." My head spun around instantly, only to see the worker towering over me, his eyes still glaring deep into my soul. How on earth did he get there without me even noticing any movement?

"I like it, but I don't have any money to buy it." My eyes trailed down till I looked at my shoes, embarrassment coating my cheeks.

"That's okay little one, I'll let you have it, as long as you promise to protect it," He fixed his gloves on them carefully unlocked the glass shelf, picking out the jewel that I adored. The worker took my hand, and lay the jewel flat down on my palm, "You take care of it now, it is very special," His voice was quite stern, yet there was still a smile on his face. Before I could reply, the man disappeared through one of the back doors.

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now