4. 💟

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A/N - I'm sorry I don't have a consistent schedule, I can never think of things to write, or how to drag out the chapter and make it longer and more enjoyable for you guys. I think as we get more into the story it will become more canon and follow the Bungo Stray Dogs plot more, making it easier for me to write, and hopefully more enjoyable for you. Obviously not everything that happens will be canon. :) Happy reading!


"Kunikida Please!" Dazai could be heard begging through the walls of the building. I was sitting in one of the private areas of the agency with my English tutor. I needed to continue with my education, so Dazai insisted that I get one. The reason Dazai was begging Kunikida was because we hadn't managed to get a maths tutor. Kunikida was a maths teacher prior to working for the agency, so Dazai believed it was most appropriate.

I was unable to apply for a school. Everyone believed that I would be safer staying at the agency, which was the main factor. It also meant that if I was targeted, I would be vulnerable at school and my innocent classmates would be at risk as well.

"Do I have your attention, Y/N?" Miss Louisa, my English teacher, clicked her fingers to get my attention.

"Yes! Apologies, Miss!" I sat back up straight.

"I made a worksheet of some easy words that we looked at just an hour ago to help you with your handwriting, so here it is." She handed me an A4-sized piece of paper. She asked me to rewrite some simple words that were printed on the paper. What a bore. I finished writing a few words and briefly looked up at her when her phone rang. She was reluctant to pick up, but a lovely melody was playing.

"Miss Louisa, you can take the call. I don't mind," I mumbled. She glanced at her phone's screen after hearing me, then raised it to her ear.

"Yes, I'm inside, with Miss Y/N." I could hear someone on the other line for a brief moment, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

"Yes, Miss Y/N and I are the only ones here." She appeared to be responding to a query. She spoke up once more a short while later.

"Yes. I just hope you all pull it off, the plan seems simple enough." She muttered. Though I brushed it off, I did wonder about who and what she was referring to. Perhaps it was her boss or a different teacher. I waited until she put down the phone before I went back to my work. I just needed to copy a few more words to finish the entire worksheet.

"Miss Louisa, I've finished it." I extended my arm to her and handed her the piece of paper.

"Very good Y/N! We're nearing the end of our lesson; we'll revisit these words tomorrow," she said as she gathered her things.

"All right, Miss Louisa, thank you!" I waved at her until the agency door closed.

"Well, Y/N, Did you like her?" Dazai arrived and took a seat across from me on the couch, replacing Miss Louisa. Kunikida followed, with a few books wrapped in his arms.

"Yes! She was really sweet. Dazai might overreact and fire miss Louisa if I told him about the plan and the phone call, so I kept it quiet for the moment. 

"Now, Y/N, Kunikida has offered to tutor you in maths!" Dazai was once more attempting jazz hands when his hands began to shake violently.

"Stop using your idiotic hands and leave the room immediately! This is not your math lesson!" Kunikida asserted firmly. Kunikida shoved Dazai out while he was pouting and trying to justify his behaviour. Kunikida pushed up his glasses and started working after Dazai left.

"Alright Y/N, First I need to find out how much you know," he sighed. I struggled the most with maths because I never really learned the subject well.

"Well, I can figure out addition and subtraction of the numbers below one hundred. I can count higher though! My maths class was beginning to learn our times tables and was learning odd and even numbers before the earthquake and everything else happened." He looked at me for a moment, then muttered something to himself.

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now