13. 😻

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A/N - Happy Reading <3


Alastor's POV

Test subject 2528 has officially been crossed off as another failure.

There is nothing, no hope, she's probably dead anyway. The machine had been broken for months now, and finally I had given up.

"Ivan bring him in," my voice echoed through the hall. Almost immediately Ivan entered, holding test subject 2529.

"Please! Let me go home!" The subject screeched. He attempted to escape my employees grasp, yet again an unsuccessful attempt. We tied him to the bed to start the experiments. First I had to inject the boy with a small dose of anaesthetic, one to stop his sudden movements, to tire him out but not put him to sleep. The next injection was quite the painful one, it sucked out the blood in his arm, a lot of the blood. Within the next hour his bone marrow would be mine to experiment on, and by the next day I'd be sending my test subject teleporting through the imaginary worlds, this machine was specifically the backrooms. Unlike my others, he would stay in that universe forever. Well, until the monsters caught up with him.

Finally, Ivan brought in the drill. I took it in my hand and started up the handheld tool. The tool made contact with the skin and flesh while shrieks and dreadful screams filled the room. A laugh escaped my lips, how I loved the sound of children's pain.

The drilling continued for a while, I had to get the right amount of bone marrow for the results to be accurate. 15 minutes after we started he fell unconscious, Tch, what an annoying brat.

The amount of bone marrow could potentially kill the boy, yet I'm always ready to take the risk. After extracting most of the bone marrow, I was able to store it. This boy would only occupy my attention for another couple of days before I send him off through my machine. This other machine sat opposite test subject 2528's. My decisions have been following me ever since I left that girl to die. The whole area around her machine was full of regret and a nauseating feeling that would bubble up in your stomach, for me at least.

"Test subject 2529 is out cold, Sir Alastor!" Ivan jogged around the bed to my side.

"So? We shall put him in the machine when he wakes up, by that time I'll have collected his data," I replied, my cold stone face glaring into his, "clean this up and tie him up tighter, you can lock up. If you need me I'll be in my house, see you tomorrow morning Ivan," And with that I strutted out of the door, leaving a clueless Ivan to do all my dirty work.

The drive home was chaotic, as usual. Just drivers being idiots again, and again, and again. It took me around an hour to finally arrive at my small wooden house, but it felt good to be back. The rooms blasted me with a chilling feeling as I entered through the front door, guess the fire died down. My house was pretty average, a one story wooden style. One bedroom, one bathroom, you get it. My legs lead me to the TV in the living room, time to catch up on the recent news, see if anyone had noticed my test subject being gone form his previous family.

(News broadcast)

"It has now officially been 8 weeks since Y/N L/N's disappearance and 4 days since Carlos Ringer's. If any news comes through please contact the authorities immediately. The head of our local Police department warns parents to keep their children close, as there seems to be a recurring pattern. Thank you for listening into our breaking news, back to Simon in the studio."

"Masaki Dazai's book has now officially been out in stores for four weeks. The spellings has unexpectedly skyrocketed, with millions around the world diving their head into the lore of the book Quantum Teleportation. I'm sure his father Osamu Dazai would be pleased, and proud of his son for such an accomplishment. You can buy this book in your local stores or online now. This story follows A lady with a curious mind, and how she can teleport through the realities. It truly is something out of this world."

The TV shut off as a sigh left my cracked lips. A small chuckled cam from the response of this, finally my work was getting more recognition. My guess would have to be since I never take a child from the same country, they can never figure me out. Being such a good criminal comes with it's perks, I find enjoyment out of the little things, like the faces of my victims pain and pleading. Although it sounds quite psychopathic, no one would understand apart from us killers.

My head went loopy and my brain soon fell tired after another hour or so. I sluggishly dragged my feet to the bedroom and stumbled upon my bed. The duvet wrapped around my body, the warmth slowly heating me. It didn't take long for my body to fall asleep, sending me into a nice peaceful- Nevermind, a nightmare.

The group of young kids circled around this man, this man that brought them immense pain. This man was... This man was me, yet I was looking from a 3rd person perspective. The children gathered around my body, chanting one single word.




So that's what they were shouting. The circle closed in until they were only inches away from my unconscious body. Behind their backs they pulled out something, weapons. Axes, daggers, swords, guns, needles, everything. You name it, they've got it. All of the children froze for a second, almost waiting for someone to stop them, after a few glances around, the screaming started.

As a reflex I brought my hands up to my ears to stop these deafening shouts. The children, who I now recognised to be majority of my previous test subjects, used their weapons to harm my body. Those screams belonged to me, my screams. I tried to move to stop all the violence, but my body made no such movement. Frozen, my body was frozen.

The violent sparks burned in the eyes of my test subjects, and this continued for what seemed like the next eternity. Yet finally, after forever, it ended. My dream went blank, an empty void of nothingness. All nothingness, apart from a tiny silhouette in the distance. The silhouette came into view after a while, it was a girl, a little girl. By now she was coming into view and I could analyse her face. Y/N, it was her in my dream. She strolled up to my view and just stared right into my eyes.

Her pure face will forever haunt me, something about her, she had hope unlike all my others. My other test subjects lost their hope the moment I saw them, but with her she kept strong until I sent her off, sent her off to die.

Hope is the only thing a human can hold onto in this world if they wanted to remain sain, I hope test subject 2528 keeps her hope in the afterlife, with her death my hope vanished. Stupid girl. Stupid hope. I am finished with this stupid world full of unknowing people with hope held near their heart, I must end it all.

A/N - Short chapter again, sorry! When this chapter gets 250 Views and 20 votes I'll post the next chapter! Happy ready <3

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