11. 🫶🏼

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A/N 7K reads....wow

Bungo Stray Dogs Reality

A day with Chuuya

"Do you have to go Y/N? Please stay with me, he's an ugly rat!" Dazai whined, grabbing onto my arm in an attempt to stop me.

"Let's hurry up Y/N, we are already running behind," Chuuya scoffed at Dazai while he gripped my other arm in the attempt to pull me out.

"I'll be back soon Dazai, it will be fine! Chuuya is nice!" I shook Dazai's hand off while taking Chuuya's arm.

"Off we go, Chuuya!" I squealed in excitement as we left the building, leaving a jealous Dazai whining behind us. The red head had a smug look on his face, obviously amused about the jealous Dazai.

The reason Chuuya was taking care of me was....well it was because....because....ooh cotton candy! Wait, it was because the agency was busy and since I wasn't a member Kyouka said I'd only get in their way. I took the problem on myself and arranged a date between Chuuya and me for the whole day! Which means I get to have fun the whole day while the agency gets to do boring work! Ha! Sucks for them!

Anyway, more importantly, Cotton candy!

"Chuuya...! Can we go get cotton candy?" I asked politely, staring up at him.

"Ugh, sure if we must," he groaned out as we steered towards the stall full with teeth-rotting, fluffy, majestic, magical cotton candy.

"Hello sir and my lady, how may I help you today?" The cotton candy man spoke in such a merry tone, it was hard not to match it. Chuuya obviously didn't get the memo, as he continue to grumble and groan on.

"Just a cotton candy thanks," Chuuya grumbled under his breathe.

"What flavour my dears?" He poked a funny face my way which made me chuckle and nudge Chuuya.

"Strawberry?" He looked down at me, asking for my approval. I nodded as a response and the cotton candy man took that as his cue to start work.

After a minute or so the cotton candy was handed my way. I stole it eagerly and started munching away at this sweet treat.

"Are you happy now little rodent?" Chuuya sighed, looking my way.

"Yes very happy! Thank you Chuuya!" I smiled with a mouthful of cotton candy melting in my mouth. The two of us made our way to...the mafia building!?

"What are we doing here?" I stopped dead in my tracks at the entrance.

"I've got to finish five minutes of work before we can officially start our day, it won't take more then five minutes I promise," He picked me up and carried me inside to the lift. I still felt hesitant, being inside Dazai's enemies building, but my feeling was quickly surprised when I got distracted by another person entering the lift.

"Hello Chuuya and little child," The woman was recognizable, I think I remembered her from a while back. She greeted me with hostility, even though her motherly aura shined through. We met gazed and I nodded at her, staying silent.

"Hello Kouyou."

After an awkward elevator ride, we made it to Chuuya's office. It was a good few floors up, and the view terrified me a bit. I sat on a spinny-chair in the corner of the room, spinning around continuously. My brain was spinning with me by the time Chuuya finished his work. I attempted to walk out of the room behind him, but failed miserably when my head hit the wall that was not there 2 seconds ago...

"Can't take you anywhere can I?" He scoffed as I was lifted into the air. I wrapped myself around Chuuya again as he carried me tight to his chest. The sun shone on our eyes as we left the building.

𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒎 𝑻𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑩𝑺𝑫 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)Where stories live. Discover now