5. 💘

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I had no idea what to write for this chapter... Anyway have fun reading, also thank you for 500 reads!

(A few days in the future)

The agency was moved into an odd looking building, I didn't like it one bit. Today I was allowed to go and see Naomi and Haruno and spend the full day with them! Our fun was cut extremely short when they got a phone call. 

"What was that about?" I asked, looking up at the two of them. 

"We have to evacuate this place quickly, take my hand Y/N." I grip Naomi's hand tightly as the three of us run out to a car. The engine roars and we take off onto the road, faster than ever. We don't get very far when our car was lifted up in mid-air by some vines.

"Vines?" Haruno screeched. 

"They're going to crush us!" Naomi panicked. I was sat in the back seat, trying my best not to panic. The vines came to an abrupt halt and we all looked around slightly confused. 

"Apologies, ladies..." Two people showed up near our car, one with overalls, and the other with slicked back hair. The boy with overalls kept talking, but I wasn't hearing a thing he was saying. That was until I heard Naomi shouting back at him. They continued shouting at each other, until Naomi screamed,

"Let us go!" Instantly the car got wrapped up in more vines and crushed the car even more. The three of us squealed out in surprise. Then the vine dude smiled like he hadn't done anything, and went on to talk about his family.

"Such a strange country... no where near winter... and it's snowing?" Overall boy outstretched his arm to feel the snow falling. Before a flake could reach him, a gunshot was heard. Everyone turned around, but I kept my eyes shut and my hands blocking my ears. That noise was deafening. I could hear a few more shots, but ears were blocked so it only sounded distant. I had no idea who would be firing guns, and why. Something was shaking my arm, and when I opened my eyes I saw Tanizaki outside Naomi's door. The door was wide open and we could finally escape. Haruno grabbed me by the waist and I snuggled my face into her shoulder. Haruno and Naomi were sprinting through the forest. I could hear even more gunshots,  but they didn't make as much of a noise. 

"The train! There it is!" Naomi panted out. Haruno and Naomi started to run even faster than before, making sure we board the train. We were a few metres away from the train, when Haruno's leg was wrapped in vines. She fell on her knees, but held me tight. 

"Haruno!" Naomi halted and turned back. Next Naomi's body was cover in vines, and my arms were tied down as well. The train started to come to a halt as it neared us, but we all struggled against the vines. A load crashing noise was heard from up above the forest, and then the vines that trapped us retreated back into the ground. 

"What- what was that?" I asked, stretching out my arms. 

"It doesn't matter Y/N, let's board the train before it leaves without us!" Naomi grabbed my hand and we all started running to catch up to the train. Naomi grabbed onto one of the poles connected to the train, but Haruno was falling behind. Naomi pulled me up to the train and I gripped tightly onto the same pole. Haruno finally jumped onto the train, and then off we went. The door opened for us, and we entered the inside of the train. It was so much warmer, and we were safe for the time being. I continued to follow the older girls through the carts, until Harunp bumped into a kid.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She apologized quickly. 

"You're sorry? I should be the one apologizing," The kid smiled. They had a little teddy bear in their arms, but the soft toy looked old and creepy. I would never buy anything like that. The kid sat with us for the rest of the trip, and the three of them talked.

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