Death-Dealing Bond

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Suddenly a voice echoed in the entire hall "Who said that the no wedding is going to happen today."

Hearing his words everyone was confused and a pindrop silence surfaced over the entire hall.

That was when a voice of someone's heels broke the silence of the hall.

Everyone's gaze were focused on the person entering the hall.

She looked at everyone being uncomfortable of their weird stare and expressions. She then suddenly noticed that only the family members were there and all the guests left including her darling.

Yes, She was none other than The Praisha Kapoor.

She spoke "Sorry, I had gone to use the restroom. I'm really sorry if I disturbed your family time."

She suddenly remembered what happened a while ago -

I was trying to open the door of the restroom from past twenty minutes but it wasn't opening.

My phone was also dead and no one was there to hear me.

Unexpectedly the door opened and due to the all of a sudden action I pitched forward and kissed the floor.

After sometime of processing what all happened in a flash, I got up and checked myself.

I then looked here and there to thank the person who helped me but there was no one.

"Don't tell me there is a ghost in this mansion like the one in the movies that wanders in the big mansion for some kind of saloon ka inteqam aur dekha jaye toh badi secretive family lagti hai ( revenge of years and if we look at them then this family is quite secretive)." She said to herself with horrified expression and made her way to the main hall almost running.

"No problem Ms Kapoor."

I came out of my world of thoughts and looked at the person who said these words.

He was none other than the Avyukht Khanna.

"Thankyou Mr Khanna." I said with a small smile but immediately my expressions changed in shock when he continued "And soon-to-be Mrs Khanna."

I stared him in disbelief and said "Sorry Mr Khanna but either you are saying wrong words to right person or right words to wrong person."

"I am knowing very well to-be Mrs Khanna what I am saying and to whom I am saying." He replied

"Then I might be standing in the wrong place, I think I should leave now." I said and started walking to the main door.

But suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist and in a shot I was in the mandap, Him standing beside me back with his deadly expressions and cold aura.

He glared at the priest and he sat down to start the rituals.

He forcefully made me sit at the place of the bride and passed his dangerous glare that made me sit quietly and enjoy myself getting tied in death-dealing bond.

Finally the priest announced "You both are tied in an auspicious bond of marriage, Finally both of you are married by all laws and order."

We both were married and no one dared to say a word in between.

"Huh"😏 Inside I laughed at myself and my destiny that I am married to the one I am scared of the most - A living Ghost.

He stood up from his place and threw his Sherwani Dupatta with whom my dupatta was tied in a knot.

I stared at his retreating figure in disgust.

Soon everyone left from there and Dhrumil left to drop the priest.

Only one was left with me there, Kanishk Dhanraj, Avyukht's younger brother, who was the son of his Bua (Aunt).

He said "Let me take you to bhai's room bhabhi."

"Bhabhi" this word felt so weird.

He took me to his room but stopped little far from the room and said "There's the way to his room bhabhi, you can go, I can't enter this area because no one is allowed to enter in his area especially without his permission."

I thanked him and he left.

"What kind of person is he. He doesn't even allow his own family members in his area." Thinking this all I entered his room.

It was looking like a luxurious haunting and gothic chamber of the king of vampires, the one from the books.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

I was about to scream when he kept his hand on my mouth and came infront.


Who is He ?

~Thanks for reading.

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