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Ch. 3: The First Morning

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The next morning, the blizzard had stopped, but the world was a sea of white, glittering under the weak light of the November sun. I wasn't going anywhere today.

I stretched my arms over my head. At least I'd slept well – my mattress was like a giant marshmallow – though I felt gross after sleeping in my clothes. I'd grab a shower, get dressed, and –

I froze.

Everything had happened so fast yesterday that the practicalities of living with Finn hadn't kicked in, but now they were glaringly obvious.

I had no clothes. I didn't have anything.

A wave of panic rushed up, and I closed my eyes, trying to hold it back. "Okay, let's think about this," I whispered.

Only there wasn't anything to think about.

Of course I hadn't brought spare clothes or toiletries to an interview, and now I was stuck without anything that I needed. It probably hadn't occurred to Finn either.

I peered into the bathroom. Thick towels hung on a wall rack, and various toiletries were arranged on a smaller rack in the shower, but there was no point washing if I didn't have clean clothes to change into. No way was I wandering around in a towel.

I had to find Finn. Then we could discuss how these living arrangements would work.

Reluctantly, I headed for the kitchen. I was almost there when I heard the faint shuffle of movement from inside – at least Finn was up.

He had his back to me when I went in, and I absolutely did not take a second to admire the way his T-shirt stretched across the muscles of his back. Nope, no ogling here.

"Um, hi," I said, wishing I sounded more confident.

Finn turned. His expression was blank, but there was a wary look in his eyes that made me feel like I was approaching a wild animal.

"Thanks for the sandwich. I really appreciated it," I said.

Finn nodded, and I thought he relaxed, just a fraction.

"I don't have anything with me." I gestured at my jeans and the thin shirt I'd worn under my sweater. "This is all I have."

"You'll have to wear my stuff," he said, after an awkward pause.

"I don't think they'll fit."

"You can go naked if you'd prefer."

"That's not funny."

Finn grinned wolfishly. "I wasn't joking."

Folding my arms, I glared at him. "Not being here in a professional capacity anymore doesn't mean you can hit on me."

Finn lifted a steaming black mug to his lips. "I wasn't."

"You just said –"

"That you can walk around naked if you want to. I'm not asking you to, but I won't stop you either." Finn gave me a once-over. "Frankly, you're not my type. You sit like you've got a stick up your arse."

"That's not what you were saying yesterday," I couldn't help pointing out.

"I thought you'd come here for more than a chat."

My temper rose again. God, why did this man press my buttons so much? "You probably think I'm pleased to be stuck here."

A shrug.

"I didn't choose this. I don't control the weather," I snapped. "But if I could, I'd do more with that superpower than arrange some forced proximity bullshit with an arrogant rockstar."

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