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Ch. 26: Sharing His Heart

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I hadn't realised he meant right now, so when he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, I couldn't help a little yip of surprise. He shot me an amused smile over his shoulder.

We moved quickly through the house, Finn leading the way, his step so light he was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. It was almost like he was excited.

Until we reached his door.

Finn stopped dead. His hold on my hand tightened.

"Hey," I said softly, and touched his arm.

He startled, blinking too fast.

"We don't have to do this," I said.

"I think I need to," Finn said, in a voice much quieter and less certain than normal.

My heart squeezed.

Finn carefully guarded his vulnerabilities around most people, which, considering the experiences he'd had, I completely understood. But with me he let that guard down. I could see all of him, not just the parts he showed the rest of the world.

Until now, I hadn't realised what a huge display of trust that was.

"I'll go back in the pool with you tomorrow," I said.

If one of us was doing this, we both were.

"Will you trust me?" Finn asked, his piercing grey eyes searching my face.

"Completely," I answered.

I didn't need to ask if he'd trust me; I already knew the answer.

Finn opened his bedroom door.

I'd already been in here once, but it still felt like I was seeing it for the first time.

The décor was simple, a board floor like the rest of the house, walls somewhere between grey and green, a bed, nightstand, wardrobe, and built in shelves featuring books and bits of band memorabilia. It was a nice room, the aesthetic crisp and pleasing, but there was little of Finn in here. It could have been anyone's room.

That made something tighten in my chest. It was almost like, even in this private space, Finn couldn't fully be himself.

Then my gaze zeroed in on the bed, and suddenly I was nervous.

Finn had shared beds with previous girlfriends – both Penny Lang and Lola Perez – so it wasn't like this was entirely new. But he'd never done it in this room.

Finn was the only person who'd ever slept in that bed, and now that was about to change, and the weight of that was still sinking in.

Finn trusted me enough to let me in here.

He trusted me enough that he wanted to tackle his fears, even though they were justified.

He just trusted me.

We hadn't moved from the doorway. Finn still clutched my hand, his breathing a little quicker than normal, his eyes locked on the bed too. In this moment he was two people – the man he was now, and the boy he'd been when he was first betrayed.

"I'm right here," I said, repeating his words from the pool this morning.

Finn blinked and looked down at me.

He took a few steps forward, still holding my hand, then stopped again, staring at the bed. I waited with him, quiet, patient.

"Fuck," Finn muttered. "This is harder than I thought."

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