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Ch. 7: Invasion of Privacy

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Any hope that I'd had about getting Finn out of my system was crushed as soon as I saw him the next morning, preparing breakfast. If anything, masturbating over him had made things worse.

I was more acutely aware of him than I had been before, my gaze lingering on the way his jeans hugged his ass, the sculpt of the muscles in his arms as he buttered a bagel, the way his fingers curled around the knife . . .

I swallowed.

This was going to be hard.

"Morning," I said, as chirpily as I could.

Finn glanced back. "Morning."

My mood deflated.

Finn's expression was tight and unhappy, his eyes dark. Did he regret opening up to me last night?

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fine." Finn took a bite of his bagel, drumming his fingers on the counter. It was a completely different rhythm than yesterday, harder and more aggressive. The air around him crackled with tension.

I edged around Finn to make myself some coffee, and he didn't move, though I don't think he was trying to make me uncomfortable. Judging by the distant look in his eyes, he barely registered I was here.

"Fuck," he snapped suddenly.

He threw the uneaten half of his bagel in the bin and stalked out of the kitchen.

"Rockstar diva," I muttered, stirring my coffee.

I bolted down a quick toast breakfast and washed my plate, trying to ignore the sinking sensation in my chest. It looked like last night's breakthrough had been a fluke.

My phone rang, and my heart jumped into my throat as Louise Hoffman's number appeared. I answered the call.

"Amy, how are you?" she said, and though her voice was cheery, I still noted that same undercurrent of impatience.

"Um, fine, thanks. Sorry, my interview still isn't ready yet though," I said.

"Not a problem, but if you could send me a summary of it, that would be great."


I'd hoped for a little more time before my lie was exposed.

"There's been a snag," I said.

"Oh?" Louise's voice sharpened.

"Finn was a little uncooperative, so I didn't get the material I needed for the interview. But I think I've got something better."

There was a heavy pause.

"I'm listening," Louise said.

I explained to her how I'd become trapped here, and my idea for multiple articles based on everything I found out about Finn.

"You're living with him?" Louise exclaimed.

"Yes, but –"

"This is fantastic," she cut me off.

It was, but something about the way she said it needled me. "So I'm still working on ideas –"

"Is he allowing you free run of his house?" Louse interrupted again.

She was the woman I wanted to impress most in the world, but I still gave my phone a glare.

"He's given me a partial tour," I said.

"Only partial? What about the rest of the place?" She didn't give me a chance to answer. "You'll never have an opportunity like this again, Amy, and you need to make full use of it. Snoop. Now."

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