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Destiny POV.
I was kinda worried... Like a lot... I wasn't sure how to react. The worst part was, I waited all day for him to come and talk to me. He walked past me today, and I was expecting him to ask me, but nothing. He just kept walking. I really like Happy. He's actually nice. At least to me. I was starting to think he didn't like me how I liked him. Happy came over to mw and asked me something. "You wanted to ask me something?" He said. " No? Why would you think that?" " Your dad and brother said so." I looked over at them, snickering on the couch. They both had red faces. I couldn't believe this. This is complete bull shit, messing with my feelings. I gave them both disbelief looks, and walked out of the clubhouse. Them chasing after me. Ope grabbed my arm and I screamed for him to get off me, then I smacked him. " FUCK YOU HARRY WINSTON! YOU TOO DAD!" I yelled while running towards my car. I waited for him to ask me all day. I rolled down my window, tear escaping my eyes, and flipped the the bird, and drove off. I was beyond pissed at them. I drove back to my apartment, and called an old friend of mine.

Happy POV.

I looked over at the suspects, Opie and Pinney Winston. " What did you say to her?" I asked, knowing they hurt her somehow. " We told her you were going to ask her to be your ol' lady." Ope confirmed. " You two are so childish." I got on my bike and drove to her apartment, but when I got there, a bike was already there.

Destiny POV.

Juice and I are really close, mostly because we have been best friends since, the 4th grade. I moved in the middle of 8th grade, and I thought I'd never see him again, then one day, the guys introduced the new prospects to me. One, being Juicy Boy. He came right away. I knew he cared a lot about me. With his mom dead, and being raised by a woman, he treats woman with respect. I heard a knock on my door, and I opened it to see my puerto rican friend, with a worried look on his face. " What's wrong doll?" He said, while pulling me into a hug. " My father and brother are dick heads." " I've noticed, I've been around them for about 2 years." We sat on the coach. Me laying on his chest, with him still embracing me. We layed there until dark, then, he gave me a quick kiss on my forehead, and I felt his heartbeat and his breathing slow down. I watched as his beautiful dark brown eyes fluttered shut. I decided to do the same.

A few hours later, I heard a knock on my door. I looked threw the peek hole, to see my dad and brother. I had a same window next to my door. I opened the curtain to flip them both off. " DESTINY! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" "AND WHAT IF I DONT, ASSHOLE? "They started slamming on the door, to knock it down. By this time, Juice was awake, and right behind me, with his shirt off. Perfect. Their gonna think we had sex. * applause * we stepped back, while they knocked the door down, and grabbed my arm, yelling in my face. I smacked Ope, and he lifted me up, and started yelling at me. Then, Juice pulled him back, and punched him in the face. They got into a brawl, and I yelled for them to stop. " EVERY ONE! STOP FIGHTING! AND A HOT THE FUCK UP!" they all looked up and listened. " Dad and Ope, Leave-" " We came here to-" " Dad, it's a beautiful day to shut the fuck up, and leave. We can talk about it in the morning at the clubhouse. Now, Harry and dad, Leave before I do something I might go to jail for." With that, they left, I put the door back up, and right before I was about to close it again, Happy opened it.

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