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(Let's get right into it!)

Destiny POV.
When Happy was getting beaten, all I heard was my best friends yelling, "YOU HAVE AN AMAZING WIFE, AND YOU DO THIS TO HER?!?!" and, "WHY WOULD YOU EVER CHEAT ON ANYONE LIKE DES?!" it was about 11 in the morning, and this happens. After Happy was a bloody mess, he said, "what the f-fuck are you t-talking about?" Between coughing up blood. "I heard what you said to that slut this morning." I answered crying. "Des you have to let me-" "I TRUSTED YOU!! AND YOU GO AND BREAK MY HEART!!" I bent over and screamed, stomped my feet, and pulling on my hair. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IT FEELS! IT HURTS! EVERYTHING IS CRUMBLING AROUND ME! OH, YEAH, HERE YA GO ASSHOLE!" I yelled, throwing him a pregnancy test. "I'm pregnant with your baby." That's the finale thing I said before stomping my way to Hap and I's room. I grabbed doffle bags and filled my clothes, small things, ect. Into them. I heard someone open the door and I threw the closest thing to me at it. I turned around to see that it was Jax."Oh shit!" He said ducking. "S-Sorry Jax." I said in between sobs. "Come here baby girl." He walked his way over to me and we met half way. "How could he do this to me?" I said. "I don't know. I think he needs to explain himself baby." He said. I looked up and he had an understanding/sad look on his face. "Okay.." I said. He wiped away my tears with his thumb, kissed my forehead, and said, "Congrats by the way. I'll send him in.." "Thanks for everything Jax." "No problem darlin'." He replied before closing the door behind him.

(Sad I know. Vote, follow, comment! Thanks for everything guys!!)

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