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( before I start.. oh my. XD. You guys! We are so close to 900 reads! I checked this morning, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means! This chapter will be longer than the others. Thanks! )

-- 9 months pregnant -- ( sorry again for time skip )

Destiny POV.
Gemma and I were going to pick o UT more stuff for Grayson and Elisha. We were going to get clothes, binkies, ect. We got to babies R us, ( because we're classy like that ) and all I saw for about 5 isles were baby clothes. These two are going to be SO spoiled. I started looking in the girl's clothes, and Gem looked in the boys, since she had two sons. The girls clothes were so adorable. Everything would be way to big for them, but I'm sure they would grow into them, pretty fast. I was pulled for my thoughts when Gem tapped my shoulder. " This is adorable." It was a onsie, and it said 'my daddy rides harley's' "We have to get that one!" I said. After shopping for the rest of their things, we got into Gem's car, and the seat was instantly wet. I thought I must of spilled something, but then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "GEM! THE BABIES ARE COMING!" She started the car, and we started to drive to St. Thomas. I was rushed to the ER. "GET HAPPY'S ASS HERE NOW!" I yelled. " I'll call everyone." She said. They took me into a room, and said I had to wait until I dilate. This was going to hurt just sitting here. About 5 minutes went by, and u heard about 10 harley's outside, and about 2 minutes went by, and Hap came bursting threw my room doors. "Hey baby." I said. "Are you excited?" He asked me. "I'm worried, but yeah I'm excited." I felt another contraction. Happy came and held my hand to get threw it.

( another time skip until they are ready to be born )

" Happy! Hold- hold my hand!" I yelled while pushing. He automatically came right to my side and gripped onto my hand. I started pushing, and the baby came out, but didn't cry. " Oh no..." I said, tears starting to roll down my face. Then, the little child started whaling out. I looked at Happy, and I was so happy. ( if that makes sense? ) Happy cut Grayson's cord, and they hand to take him away to clean him. " Alright, now for baby number 2." Tara- I mean Dr. Knowles said. I started pushing, and she came out quicker, but it still hurt like Hell. Happy cut her cord, and she started bawling. They took her away, and everything started to grow darker, and darker, until I blacked out.

Happy POV.
When they took Elisha away, the only thing I could hear, was a flat line. "NO!" I yelled. "Happy you have to leave the room, so I can try and save Destiny." She said. I left the room, and went down to where the new borns were being kept. I automatically saw Elisha and Grayson. Most of the kids were sleeping, but they were crying their heads off. I started to silent cry, because I was scared for Des. They were so beautiful. I knew they were going to be the most spoiled kids they've ever seen. It was my job to spoil them, and I was going to do so. Some total "strangers" wears Kuttes came up behind me and patted my on the back. "She's going to be alright brother. I know it." Jax said. " Dude, your kids are beautiful with those 'Sons' beanies on." Juice said. Tara came up behind me. "Hap, she's going to be fine, it was because she lost too much blood. She will be okay. If you want, I can bring Grayson and Elisha to her room, and you guys can pick them up." "Thanks Doc, so much. And yes I would like that." Jax, Juice, and I were walking back to her room, and I could hear Tara behind us, rolling them in carts. I opened the door, and Des wasn't awake yet. I held the door for Tara and she was called for another operation. I picked up Elisha and cooed at her, silent enough the guys couldn't hear. She grabbed my finger with her whole hand, and that warmed my heart. I smirked at her. I started tickling her and she started laughing. "Either of you wanna hold 'er?" I asked. "Sure." Jax said. I picked up Grayson and he opened his eyes. He had bright blue eyes and he smiled at me. "He's so riding Harley's when he's older." I said. That made them laugh. Elisha fell asleep and after awhile, so did Grayson. "Hap, Doc wanted me to tell you, Des is getting out in 2 days, and so are the kids." Ope said. "Thanks." I said. About About an hour later, Des woke up.

Destiny POV.
I woke up, and automatically started looking for Happy. "Good morning baby girl." He said. "Good morning." I saw that Elisha and Grayson were in my room. "Wanna hold 'em?" He asked. "Um.. yes please!" He gave me Grayson and I cooed at him. He was so handsome. He had bright blue eyes. I loved them. "Do you want anything to eat?" "um... a burger please." "I'll be right back." Jax and Juice were still here and we chatted it up for awhile, and Grayson fell asleep and Jax took him and I ended up falling asleep.

( Oh I loved this chapter! I made a cover of the second book and, let me tell you, it took about an hour because I couldn't get both of the twins in to photo... xD the second book is when they are teenagers. They are both VERY good looking and I would have been done with this chapter about an hour aho if I didn't do that so... I hope you enjoyed and if yoy did, please comment and vote. Thanks guys! ♡ )

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