cнapтer 15

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( alright xD ik ik you don't have to lecture me about it. It's been forever and a half since a new update. I hope you understand that I got busy with family cap and I'm back. I won't update all week because of more family stuff so, I thought i'd make a new chapter. XP )

Destiny POV.
I woke up this morning to an empty space next to me. "Hm.." I thought as I got Grayson and Elisha up for school. "Get up booger-butts!" I said to wake my children up. "Noooo!" Grayson yelled. "Please don't make us go mommy!!" Elisha yelled. "If you get up, I'll make pancakes!" I said. They both jumped up and yelled, "YES PLEASE!" "Get ready and I'll make them. I have your clothes out for you on the dresser and I hope my big boy and bug girl can get dressed by themselves." I said, pointing to the dresser. "Yes." They said. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed pancake mix, milk, ext. I got done with the pancakes and they both ran in. "Here ya go." I said handing them plates. "Thanks you mommy!" They both said. "We have to stop by the clubhouse to get Ellie and Kenny." "Yay! I missed them!"

Timeskip to clubhouse》》》》

I walked into the clubhouse to get Harry's kids, and I heard Happy talking to someone in his room. Since I'm paranoid, I snooped in on the conversation. "Listen! This was a one night this. I can't have you doing this around my ol' lady!" "Come on baby! You know that whore ain't got nothing on me." By now, I was bawling my eyes out. I hung my head low as I got Kenny and Ellie and hugged my falimy(the club) "Why are you crying auntie Des?" "No reason Ellie. I'm fine, really." This made me cry even more. I let Ellie sit in the front and Kenny jn the back with the twins. When I got to the school, I had makeup all over my face. I checked my kids in, and asked for the day off because I didn't think it would start off like this. I went back to the clubhouse and walked over to Juice and hugged him so tight. I cried on his shirt and he tried calming me. "Shh.. baby girl what's wrong?" I went up to his ear and whispered, "Hap is cheating on me. I heard him this morning with a slut. They were in his room talking about me saying that she didn't have anything on me and saying that she can't be like this in front of me." By now, Juice had his fist clenched. He kissed my forehead, lightly hugged me, and headed for the rooms. He opened Happy's door and started kicking his ass. Jax asked me what happened, so I told him. He also joined Juice with Happy's beating.

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