¢нαρтєя 10

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( I promise, this is the last time for awhile that I'm skipping like a month xD sorry but it'd the last time. )

{} 1 month later {}

Destiny POV.
Hap, the twins and I got a house of our own, we'll because I didn't want the kids to grow up without having a REAL house. I love the clubhouse, don't get my wrong, but it can be dangerous there. Right now, Hap, the twins and I were and the clubhouse, about to go home, but everyone heard screeching outside, then glass shattering and bullets flying everywhere. I felt a slight stinging in my arm and in my leg. I hit the ground without saying a word.

Happy POV.
There was a shooting at the clubhouse today. Des, the kids and I were heading home, and that's when the shooting took place. The twins were in my room in the clubhouse, and I wanted to say bye to everyone without two screaming babies in my hands. I heard screeching and hit the dirt. When we heard screeching again, we got up and Jax asked, "Everyone whole?" Then you heard a big "THUD." I looked over to see Des was hit, and there was blood oozing from her leg and arm. There were more scratches that had blood, but those were the worst ones. I lifted her and for the first time in about 10 years, I cried. "GET TARA!" I yelled. "Get my ol' lady, Kozik! Call family and friends, nomads! I don't care! We need everyone here!"

Destiny POV.

I woke up, and Tara was stitching my arm up. There was blood everywhere. I had a weak stomach, and Happy was in a chair right next to where Tara was operating. He was crying. I made him cry. I mean so much to him, he cried because he was scared to loose me. Tara looked over at me and smiled. "Hey people. Miss me?" I said. Everyone smiled. "Smartass." Tig said. "Once I recover, I'm kicking your ass Trager." I said. Everyone laughed at that. "Feel better?" Juice said. "Well, I have someone stitching my arm right now, but I'll get back to you on that one." Once Tara was done, she gave me pain killers, ( which I will need ) " Stay off your leg for about 2-3 weeks, but if you're stubborn as usual, then it will albeit about half the time." "You're right Doc. I will be stubborn, but I'll stay off it for... Alright can can I have crutches?" She giggled. "Sure." Jax went to the closet over in the corner, and grabbed a pair of crutches. I got up on one leg and he started to adjust them. "Oh by the way, thanks Doc. You're a lifesaver." "No problem." She replied. "We have to stay at the clubhouse tonight, and it's already about 9. Let's head to bed." "Alrighty then." I answered. We walked into our room, and he said, "Oh yeah, I have to ask you something before we head to bed." "What's that hun?" I said, while changing into my pajamas. I turned around to see him on one knee. "No big deal, but will you marry me?" He said, being a smartass. "Sure will smartass." I replied, giggling and wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. We walking into the main room, where SO MANY people were, and Happy picked me up, and yelled, "HEY! LISTEN PEOPLE!" By this time, people were listening. I lifted my left hand and smirked. Everyone began cheering and lifting my and Happy. I love this family.


A Killer's Weakness (*Book 1*)Where stories live. Discover now