cнapтer 18

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Destiny POV.
I was driving to the school/work with my kids, when a car rams my car and we go flying. It was like it was slowmotion. I looked back and saw my kids screaming and crying. Then, everything went black.

Happy POV.
I was playing a pool game with half sack. I was obviously winning. My phone rang and I answered. "Hello?"


Jax POV.
"NO!" We heard Hap yell. "Yo, Hap, what ha-" "Jax! Juice! Hospital! Des and kids!" He yelled. We drove to the hospital, and I walked up to the receptionist. "Hello sir, how may I help you?" She asked. "Can I see Destiny Lowman? Can I also have Grayson, and Elisha Lowman's rooms too?" I asked. "Are you family?" "That's her husband, I'm her brother, and that's her cousin." I said pointing to Hap, myself and Juice. "Alright.. room 137 for Destiny, 146 for Grayson and 153 for Elisha." "Thank you." I replied. Happy practically ran to the rooms. The first was Des's room. She was out cold. "Oh dude... what if-" "Juice! Shut up!" I yelled "Can you guys go check on Gray and Eli?" "Sure thing dude." We walked down the hall and I said, "dude, sometimes, you don't know when to shut your trap. Don't say a word to the kids about their sibling. I don't know if they know yet, and I dont wanna get their hopes up." I said. He looked down. We got to Grayson's room and he was half asleep. His eyes were almost closed and you could only see the whites of his eyes. I'm guessing he was asleep. "Go check on Eli. I'll stay with Gray just incase he wakes up." "Okay." He responded.

Juice POV.
I started walking down the hall to Eli's room and I opened the door to a crying little girl. "Aww.. baby I know you're hurting, but it'll stop after awhile. I promise." I say holding her hand and kissing her head that had a bandage around it. I'm guessing she cracked her head open. "No, it's not that. Is Gray bear okie?" She asked in her cute fucking child voice. "He hasn't woke up yet. He's just tired. He'll be up soon." "Okay." She said, trying to be carful. Jax walked into the room and he was rolling Grayson around in his wheelchair. "Gray bear!" She slightly exclaimed. "Eli!" Jax rolled Grayson close enough to where they could hug. They stayed like that for about 5 minutes and I snapped a photo of them. Happy walks in, and you could tell he was crying. His face was red, his cheeks were wet, and there were still tears rolling down it. "Man what-" He was cut off by Happy bear hugging him. "What's wrong bro?" I asked. "The-th-the ba.. baby..." He trailed off. Jax and I hugged him. He cried on our shoulders and I had tears rolling. I could hear Jax crying too. "What's wrong daddy?" Eli asked. I sat in a chair and put my head in my hands and started silently crying. "What's wrong uncle Juice?" That just made it worse...

(Crappy chapter I know. I'm tired and I have to go places tomorrow. I'll try and update tomorrow. Love ya guys. Comment, vote, follow! Thanks)

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