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* I'm sorry, it the only way to make it interesting right now xD I have to time skip. And we're going all the way so it's 4 year time skip xD I'm sorry, I promise this one is the last one. And at chapter 20 I'm ending it and going into my other book that's just about the twins and stuff... about the club too, but our main characters are the twins. *

Destiny POV.
I got a job as a teacher, and I just got off work and I was walking down the halls to go get my darlings from kindergarten. * yes, they are 5 * "Hey Gray! Hey Eli!" "Hi mommy!" They both yelled in unison. They're both adorable. "Where they good today?" I asked Mrs. Smith, their teacher. "Yes they were very nice today, but their both very social." "Yeah, I know, they never stop talking." "Haha! Have a nice day Mrs. Lowman!" She said while we were walking out the door. "You too!" I put them in their car seats and hopped in the front seat. "You ready babes?" I asked my two children. "Yes!" Eli said. "Vroom vroom!" Gray said. "Haha, Alrighty. Ready to see daddy?" I asked "Yes please!" They both yelled.

Happy POV.
I was working on a beaten to shit car when my family pulled up. My daddy's girl came running first. "DADDY! DADDY!" She yelled across the lot. "Hey baby girl! How was school?" I asked while I picked her up and put her in my arms. " Great! I met a girl named Makayla! She's really nice!" Then outta the corner of my eye, I saw my beautiful wife holding my beautiful son. They looked so happy it was amazing. My family was happy. "Hey babe! How was work?" I asked her. "Great, just kids who don't stop talking." She laughed. "How was school little buddy?" I asked him while tickling him. "Haha! It was fun! I met someone named Drew!" "So you both met a friend today?" "YEP!" They said in unison. It was like they plan what their going to say together in the mornings or something. It was crazy. They always do it too!

( aw. That was adorable! The family was happy. But watch out! That could change at any moment! By the touch of my fingers on the keyboard I could make it happen! O.o haha but no, like, comment, and follow! Thanks for the almost 3k views! Oml I can't believe it! Thanks so much! I'll update more often and I really want that second book! >.< alright! Thanks and see ya next chapter! ♡ )

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