Chapter 19

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Destiny POV.
I awoke in a hospital bed. Please tell me the baby and my twins are okay. I'm such a horrible mother for letting this happen. I realize I'm crying when my vision goes blurry and I go to touch my cheeks and they are wet. I wipe my eyes and a nurse cokes into my room. "Miss.. I have some news for you." I nod. "The baby is fine." A sigh of happiness escaped my lips and I heard my baby was fine. "Elisha Lowman cracked her head, but we stiched over her eyebrow and she has a fracture in her wrist. She should made a full recovery. Grayson Lowman broke his right arm, and his index finger on his left arm. He is sure to make a full recovery also." "Thank you so much." I commented crying happiness that they will be fine, but crying that I hurt my babies. Thank god for car seats and seat belts.

Jax POV.
I've never lost my child, but I'm sure it hurts more than anything ever. Poor Hap man. I really hope that Des will be okay.

Happy left the room, Im guessing to go check up on Des. I asked Juice to stay with the kids, and I walked down with Happy. He walked with his head on my shoulder, and me side hugging him. We walked into the room, and a nurse was there telling Des about the kids I'm guessing. She was crying, and had a small smile on her face.

"Hey Des. I'm sorry about-"
"You don't have to be!" She said, rubbing her stomach. Happy basically had a heart attack. He hugged his wife, bawling his eyes out. I ran to go get Juice.

Juice POV.
"Uncle Juice, why are you crying? We're fine! See?" Grayson said, making a funny face. I faked a smile. My heart was tearing inside. I couldn't take it. "Come here." I said getting up and hugging them. "I'm so sorry guys." I said crying. "Why are you sorry? You didn't so anything." Elisha asked. I tried wiping my tears but they just wouldn't go away. I sniffled. "So, your mommy is gonna be fine. I promise. She's just tired. She'll wake up real soon. Daddy will be back soon also."

"Okay uncle Juice!" They both said in unison. Grayson put his thumb up.

*-Timeskip until they can go home-*
*- 2 months later -*

Grayson POV.
Mommy and daddy told Eli and me that we're going to have a little brother! I'm really excited too! I can't wait to have a brother. I will love him so much! We can play catch and watch movies together, and Ohhh! Ride bikes. I heard those are really fun too! Daddy said when I'm older, I'm gonna have a big bike, just like his and I can ride it wherever I go! He also said I could be apart of sons when I'm older. What does that mean again... Oh! Yeah! He said I could work with him and uncle Juice and uncle Jacky and uncle Chibs and uncle Bobby! I can't wait to have so much fun with them!

--authors note--
Cute ending right? next chapter is the last! If you didn't get the last chapter, I'm having a sequel! Book numbero dose! So, check that out also.
Private message me to make book 2's cover! Yes I want it fan made but if no one wants to do it, I have another one Alrighty! Have a great night you guys and I'll see ya in the next chapter! ✌

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