¢нαρтєя 13

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~ month-ish later o-o ~

Destiny POV.
Almost all the guys were out on a run, leaving Juice, Kip, and Kozik here with Gem, Tara, the twins and I. Juice came up to me and tapped on my shoulder, to get me to look at him. "I'm so sorry Des. It'll never happen again. I swear! Happy is my brother and I don't like his fists, with rings may i add, hitting my face." I giggled "It's fine Juice. I get it. Heat of the moment. I get it. I need you to be an uncle to the twins though. I want you 3 to be close and that plan won't work if you're kissing me and Happy beating your face in." I explained.
" I know and I'm going to apologize to him when he gets back." He looked down at him feet when he said that. I pushed his chin up to look at me. "It's okay JC. After you apologize, let's just forget it ever happened." "Okay." He replied. I kissed his cheek and he left without anymore words.

~ once the guys get back ~

Once everyone got back, they were yelling and telling Tara to get ready for an operation. I didn't see Happy. "Where's Happy?!" I yelled. He sitting on a chair, with a cut, or glass or something in his head. "HAPPY!" I yelled out, running to him. "I'm fine Babe. It just skid agenst my head. I'm fine. Really." "You're bleeding badly Hap!" "I'm fine! Really." "You're so fucking stubborn." I said while Tara started cleaning and bandaging his head.

~ later that night ~

I took a nap after happy was done getting cleaned and bandaged. I walked out into the main area and I saw Juice apologizing to Hap. They bro hugged and they acted like nothing ever happened. I'm glad it worked out that way a d not in a fight. Grayson started crying, and his sister was sleeping, so I quietly rushed over to him to calm him down. I went into the main area to grab him a bottle from the fridge. I gave him it and started to just stare at my baby boy.

Happy POV.
Des was sitting at the bar with Grayson and she was just starting and smiling at him. She looked cute with him. I realized my life is perfect. I could ask for anything else. I love my brothers and my wife and kids. Their my life and I'll do everything to protect them.

( how sweet ♡ comment vote follow please! Thanks! Sorry if the chapter is short but... that's what I'm working with right now xD thanks for everything and seriously! Almost 2k reads! This is unbelievable! Thanks so much for everything! ♡ bye now! )

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