☕️ Chapter Ten ☕️

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At about 7:25, Five jumps us to the address on the invitation and we appear in front of a huge building with big neon words, reading: Southland Life.

"Well..." Five looks at the invitation, then back up at the building. "This is it. 1624 Magnolia Street."

I sigh and roll my head in a circle. "Our first time seeing Dad in twelve years. Well, forty-five years for you." I glace over at him. "Pretty nerve-racking, huh?"

He does a half-nod-half-shrug. "You could say that." He takes my hand and pulls me along behind him. "We're wasting time standing out here."

We enter the building and my heart starts racing even faster and faster. I'm really nervous to see Dad, but I've got to suck it up and show him what his, uh, future work has become.

I look around the practically empty building, as we both walk up the stairs to the elevators. "I wonder how late the others will be."

"They'll be very late." He replies, pressing the 'up' button for the elevator. "Our siblings haven't been very punctual lately." He starts pacing in a small circle.

I lean against the wall. "That's true."

The elevator doors eventually open and we get on, where I take a deep breath and Five thoughtfully looks at the closing doors.

A hand appears, stopping the doors, making them open back up. "Wait up." Diego enters the elevator, getting in behind us.

'What the-' My thoughts are cut off.

"Hold it." Allison says, also entering, giving us strange looks, then getting behind us, beside Diego.

After her, Klaus stumbles in, pushing past me without an apology and gets in between Diego and Allison. Vanya joins my side and I groan lightly at the next sight.

"Luther..." I grumble under my breath, as he squeezes in between Five and I.

"Good. We're all here." Five notes and the elevator doors shut, taking us up. He then leans forward the slightest bit to look at me. "It looks like we were wrong."

"Yeah..." I sigh. "Unfortunately, we were. Couldn't some of you have gotten on the other ele-" I immediately cover my nose at an awful stench, as does everyone else, but Luther.

"Luther!" Five exclaims softly. We're all gagging and/or coughing.

"Sorry. I'm nervous..." Luther apologizes.

I glare at him. "You couldn't have given us a warning?! Any warning at all?!"

Thankfully, we reach the floor and all of us file out, trying to get away from the horrendous stench.

It appears that Dad wants us to have this 'light supper' at a...tiki bar? That's so unlike him, though.

"Alright. When Dad gets here, let me or Y/n do all the talking." Five instructs. "We're the only two who know most about what's going on."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Do you really want to do the talking after not seeing him for so long?"

Five had opened his mouth to say something, but Diego interrupts. "Hold up, lover boy. I've got a few questions for him myself."

Five gives him a hard glare. "With your questions, you'll scare him away and we don't want that. He could be the answer to us stopping doomsday and getting us home."

"No." Diego disagrees. "We need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president."

"Get it through that tiny brain of yours! We don't know for sure if he's trying to kill the president!" I yell at him. "This is a life or death situation, you selfish asshat!"

The Space Between Us (S2) || Five Hargreeves x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now