☕️ Chapter Sixteen ☕️

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"There's no other way for us to get home." Five replies, pacing back and forth. "This was our last chance and we screwed it up."

"Hey. You know what?" Luther starts, looking back at Five. "A thank-you for preserving your existence would be nice!"

I let out a scoffing laugh. "You're asking for it? Why did I even thank you earlier?!"

"Because by saving him, I saved what little 'romance' both of you have in life!" He exclaims.

I raise an eyebrow. "Where's my thank-you from the time I went with your 'romantic partner' aka Allison and almost died, mind you, since you wouldn't go with her, because you were going through those shitty packets you sent to Dad, huh? Could you answer that for me really quick?"

"I...uh-" He stammers.

"No! You don't have an answer!" I exclaim. "No one cared about what you sent Dad! Not even Dad!"

Luther curls his hands into fists. "I was just-"

"Guys!" Five yells, rushing over to the briefcase the old Five had for his rifle parts. "He's here." He positions the briefcase and stands on it to look over the tall fence.

Knowing that he meant Kennedy, Luther and I walk over to the fence and of course I'm too short to see over the fence, so I hover off the ground, just high enough to look over it.

"Look!" Luther points in a direction. "There's Dad. What do we do?"

"Uh..." Five says, figuring something out.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone sprinting across the grassy knoll and instantly groan. "Oh, you've got to be shitting me...Diego!"

Diego eventually reaches Dad and tackles him to the ground, just as a gunshot is heard, meaning Kennedy is now dead. A confused look comes across Diego's face, as Dad hands him something.

"Wonder what Dad gave him..." Five mumbles.

From where I am at, I go inside Diego's head to see what it was Dad gave him, but with what I see...it wasn't Dad.

"Uh...Five?" I question, to which he hums. "That wasn't Dad."

"What?!" Luther exclaims. "Then who was it?"

I shrug. "Like I'd know, dipshit."

"What was on the paper he was given?" Five asks, knowing it has to do with the paper Diego was given.

"Three words." I sigh and look at him. "'Told you so...'"

Five sighs. "Well...he didn't say it to me, but it still got said."

"What's that got to do with anything?" Luther asks.

"You don't have to know." Five replies. "Come on. We need to meet up with the others at Elliott's..." He's obviously upset about the 'told you so.'


'Authorities are asking for help identifying several persons of interest at Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination.' The reporter on the TV reports.

'The FBI believes they may have been acting in concert with the alleged shooter.' The reporter holds up a picture of a man. 'Lee Harvey Oswald.'

All of us are here at Elliott's old place and me, Five, Vanya, Allison, Diego, and Luther are currently watching the news on one of the TVs. Klaus is upstairs with Ben, I'm sure.

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