☕️ Chapter Thirteen ☕️

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I sigh. "Where on earth is she? She has to be around here somewhere..."

Five's been driving us around the area of the cornfield for about forty-five-ish minutes now, meaning we only have about thirty minutes left, so time's a-tickin'.

I cross my arms. "I mean, at this rate, we're going to run out of time before we even find her. Who knows, the others are probably already waiting for us, but I highly doubt it."

"Hey. Calm down. We're going to find her." Five assures

"What if she's back at that farm?" I ask. "We don't know where it is."

He shrugs. "Then we'll just look until we find it."

I lean back in my seat. "This could take for-"

Five drives past a car and it feels as if everything's going in slow-motion. Vanya is in the very car that just passed us.

Five pulls the car to an abrupt stop, jerking us forward harshly. "I told you we'd find her."

I playfully roll my eyes and quickly climb out the car with him to see that Vanya has done the same.

"What are you guys doing?" Vanya asks, sounding a little upset.

"We're looking for you." Five answers. "We're going back to 2019."

"What are you talking about?" She asks, sounding even more upset.

I carefully hold a hand out toward her. "Vanya, calm down. Listen. We definitely don't have time to explain this, but we've found a way home."

"Come on. We have thirty minutes to leave." Five adds and makes his way back to the car.

"Wait!" Vanya calls out. "What about my friends? I can't just leave them here."

"Vanya, you don't have a choice in this, alright? Doomsday will happen if you don't come with us." Five replies.

She holds her arms out to her sides. "Ok. Then I'm bringing them with me."

"They belong in this timeline." I note. "If you brought them along, things will change."

"Says who?!" She exclaims. "Sissy deserves a life where she doesn't have to pretend to be someone she's not. And Harlan? There's a name for what he has. We can get him the help he needs."

"Vanya..." Five starts, but cuts himself short.

I have a quick look inside her head and see why she really wants to bring them along. "I understand that you love her, but we can't just bring them along with us when they belong in this timeline, ok?! It's too risky! It could tremendously change our timeline!"

"A mom and her eight-year-old son are not going to screw up the timeline, Y/n!" She yells. "They're insignificant."

"No one is insignificant." Five replies. "I'm sorry, alright? We just can't take that risk."

I lay a hand on her shoulder. "They have to stay here, Vanya. Come on. We're wasting too much time."

"Why do you two get to decide?" She asks. "Especially you, Five. You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place."

I scoff and turn around. "Just to let you know, if he didn't do anything, we'd all be dead because of you!"

She rapidly blinks back her tears. "They're coming with me."

She's really beginning to get on my nerves. Our timeline is probably screwed up enough as it is, we don't need her bringing two people from this timeline to make it even worse...even if she does love them.

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