Chapter 1

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"What are you doing?" The brunette, a sense of panic in his voice.

The ginger smiled against the other's neck, hands wrapping around the other's wrists as he hummed.

"What do you mean?"

"This! You're in my house!" The brunette urgently exclaimed.

Chuuya detaches himself from the other's neck. The look from the other looked cold and send shivers down the brunette's spine.

"Get off!" The brunette twisted his wrists though it was in the ginger's grasp. He tried in vain to escape the other's tight grip.

The ginger's hand which was initially on Dazai's chest trailed down to the other's pants.

The brunette thrashed around more violently to no avail. The ginger though smaller than him, had easily pinned him onto the bed.

Dazai watched as the ginger glanced from him to his phone which was on the nightstand.

The ginger dipped his head down, latching onto the brunette's pale skin, not hesitating to bite it. When he did pull away, the ginger watched in satisfaction as a hickey bloomed, purple and bruised.

Dazai's cheeks flushed pink, this was utterly embarrassing. He didn't even know who this red head was. He wished he the world could swallow him. This was way to embarrassing for him.

It dawned upon him when the brunette noticed the lust and dominance in the other's cold blue eyes. He cursed, why must it be him to be in this kind of situation?

"Please, I'm sorry. I don't know who you are but I'm sorry. Please let me go." The brunette resulted in begging. It was his last hope on trying to get this stranger off him.

Chuuya tilted his head, raising a brow before brushing his fingers across the brunette's pink tinted cheeks as if comtemplating. Dazai's face morphed into horror when he felt a bone crushing grip on his thighs, being pushed open forcefully.

"It'll be wise to relax and not resist it." The ginger adviced but it sounded more like a warning. The ginger set up his phone, propped on the lamp before pressing the record button.

It didn't seem like Dazai's safety or comfort was his top priority as the ginger stripped the brunette.

The brunette's skin will most likely be littered with purple bruises due to the the ginger forcing him to commit an act he didn't want to commit.

A blood curling scream erupted from the brunette, echling around the silent room. His ears rung. It hurt a lot.

Dazai's throat was hoarse from all the screaming and crying.

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