Chapter 4

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Oda had to finally leave, reluctantly promising the brunette he'll come back tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Dazai was currently curled up on the bed once again but this time, facing the door, he was utterly sad that oda had to leave and he was scared of what the ginger might do to him now.

The brunette stared as the red head walked around the room, typing everything up even though it didn't need typing up. Chuuya must be the organised, clean freak type.

Noticing the intense staring, the ginger chuckled, approaching the bed instead and the brunette sucked in a cold breath. Maybe he shouldn't have stared?

Pushing his fingers through the brunette's slightly damp hair. The ginger had given the younger a thorough wash a few minutes ago and his hair was still slightly wet. The ginger was kind enough to let the brunette wear his bandages on the arms and legs but this neck was forbid of the white strips.

Well, at least he was wearing...clothes now. His room was somehow colder than usual. The other's dominating presence made the room bigger and vast in a bad way.

The ginger pulled the other up into a seating position, the brunettes legs dangling off the bed due to him trying his best to inch away from the other.

The ginger smiled, no obvious emotions or thoughts present on his face.

He painstakingly pulled the brunette closer, giving a cold glare as a warning for the brunette to stop resisting his efforts.

With no other choice, the brunette could only let the ginger pull him close to the edge of the bed. Chuuya hummed in content, resting his chin on the other's shoulder, taking in a small whiff of lavender soap he used just now.

He thought the scent suited the younger and that's why he sued it in the first place.

The ginger eyed a hickey, purple and still healing creeping out of the brunette's collar. His eyes narrowed. Seems like that would be there for a few days.

Lifting his head from the other's shoulder, the ginger nipped at the brunette's neck before he let his teeth impale into the pale, ivory skin. 

The ginger let his teeth drag across that patch of skin, sucking in attempts to create another mark on the brunette’s skin.

His hand found the other’s hands which were tightly gripping his pants. He pulled them away from his pants before grabbing his wrists in his when the brunette tried to pull away.

The ginger pushed them both onto the bed, still grabbing onto those slim wrists as he continued to bite that particular area, hoping that the mark would stay there for at least a week.

The brunette winced when the ginger bit down hard out of the blue, feeling his own body freeze as the girl on his wrist tightened, the ginger spreading them apart to get easier access to the younger’s neck.

Finally satisfied, the ginger pulled away, watching the mark which was red, it looked bruised already. Chuuya hummed as he connected lips with the other, Dazai not daring to kiss back. He was scared, utterly afraid. He didn’t want this. But it didn’t seem to be his decision to make.

The ginger seemed slightly disappointed at the brunette’s reaction to the kiss but decided not to say anything about it. He just separated them both and observed the brunette’s face, only seeing the fear in the other’s eyes, lips slightly parted.

The other quickly looked down, avoiding the other’s gaze when Dazai realised the redhead was looking at him.

“You have to stop being so shy.” The ginger chuckled, brushing his thumb over the other’s knuckle.

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