Chapter 7

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"Why would you do that?" The ginger exclaimed as he clutched his bleeding finger, glancing around the room, hoping to find a clot of some sort.

The brunette said nothing in return, much less an apology. He merely continued struggling out of the restraints which were holding him tight onto the bed. However, to no avail as his efforts were futile. The ginger had tied the ropes pretty tightly.

Succeeding in stopping the bleeding, Chuuya inspected the wound, it wasn't deep, merely a graze. His eyes narrowed coldly at the other as the ginger forced the younger to look at him.

"Apologise!" The redhead demanded, tightening his grip on the brunette's chin.

Dazai was bold enough to glare at the other. He deserved it.

The brunette had initially woken up to being tied onto the bed, legs and hands spread with rope that dug into his skin. Thus, that resulted in Dazai ignoring him and avoiding the redhead's gaze.

Forcing the brunette's head to face his, Dazai did the unbelievable and despite the consequences, he bit down, hard on the ginger's finger, causing it to bleed. He felt a sense of accomplishment and proudness in his rebellion against the other.

Receiving no such apology, the ginger grit his teeth when he caught a noticed the brunette was smirking. Smirking at him.

Eyeing the cup of coffee he brought in while checking up on the restrained brunette.

He let go of the brunette, reaching for the cup of coffee.

Raising a brow at how the ginger was acting, Dazai cotinued to struggle out of the ropes biding him.

A firm grip on the taller's jaw made the brunette's eyes widened. The ginger's eyes went cold and his face darkened as he without hesitation, poured half a cup of that scathing hot coffee  down into the brunette's throat, burning Dazai's mouth.

Tears immediately welled up at the brim of the brunette's eyes. Dazai's body spasmed, in an attempt to reject all the liquid but the ginger clasped a hand over the other's mouth, not allowing the brunette to spit any of the coffee out.

His throat hurt and it the stinging pain didn't help as the brunette's hands clenched, body instinctively trying to try to push the ginger away from him. However, Chuuya stayed put, cup of coffee in one hand and the other still on Dazai's mouth.

The brunette gurgles and chokes, hating the way the coffee is burning his mouth and throat. It's painful. Some of the coffee splashes onto his bandaged arms and there's no doubt it'll turn red very soon.

Watching as tears streamed down the brunette's face, the ginger smiled. "That's it. Swallow it." He muttered, just audible for the brunette to hear.

Dazai had no choice but to swallow the scalding liquid, his throat burning from the inside.

Making sure the brunette had swallowed the coffee, the ginger hummed in content, face litting up slightly.

"You want to apologise now?" 

Nodding his head vigorously, the brunette's lips parted but his mouth ached as to give him a painful reminder not to talk. Trying in vain to clear his throat, the ginger frowned. Dazai urgently forced the words out of his mouth, "I-I'm so-" He couldn't, it hurt too much to talk.

Chuuya's eyes softened as he swiped a few tears away from the brunette's eyes. He would never hurt Dazai but to stop the brunette from leaving him was another situation.

Chuuya this time blows the coffee before tilting the cup to Dazai's lips, asking him to drink it ro sooth his throat. It was thankfully not as hot as before but it didn't really matter since every time he swallows something, the insides of his mouth and throat protest violently. The pain is agonizing and it makes him want to tear up all over again but he holds the tears in, not wanting to show Chuuya any more vulnerability that the ginger could take advantage for.

Happy with the younger's sudden obedience, the ginger decided to untie the brunette's legs and hands, deciding on tying his wrist together instead on the bedframe.

"Be a good boy and show me you'll stay and Ill untie those." The ginger continued, voice much more gentle but there was still a tint of warning as the brunette nodded, pulling on the ropes with not much effort, knowing he wouldn't be able to untie it either way.

At the end, the brunette didn't get to meet Oda since the ginger asked him to come back the next day. 

Fortunately, the brunette had charged the phone hidden in the shoe box and it would automatically save if it runs out of battery. The brunette tried to not cough as it will hurt his throat as he sat on the bed, in an uncomfortable sitting position, somehow dozing off but waking up a few hours later when the ginger went to check up on him.

Fortunately for hi, the ginger had mercy to untie the ropes binding him for what seemed to be an eternity and hugging he other close to not allow the other escape. Dazai could only lie there, hearing the shallow breaths from the ginger who had an arm around the other's waist and another grabbing onto his left arm. 

The brunette didn't get a wink of sleep that night.

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