Chapter 2

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Brushing a few locks from the brunette's face, the ginger smiled to himself. The brunette had lost consciousness midway through the whole torture. Well, to Chuuya, it was the whole satisfaction.

Dazai's face scrunched up slightly before head falling limp onto the redhead's hand.

Ringing echoed in the once silent and peaceful room as Chuuya frowned, head whipping around to notice the brunette's phone buzzing away on the table at the corner of the room. The ginger reluctantly pulled his hand away from the other's cheek before approaching the phone, the ginger squinted his eyes as he read the contact's name.

Deciding on letting it ring, the ginger rolled his eyes as he went back to the brunette's bed, eyes observing the brunette's state, hickeys and bruises littering his collarbone and neck. The rest of the appealing sight was covered by the blanket and Chuuya was ever so tempted to pull it away but he didn't want his beloved to get cold and may wake him up.

The ginger adored the other's restful, sleeping face. It was calm and relaxed unlike previously where the brunette tried kicking him. How delightful indeed...

The ringing phone soon died down just as Chuuya suspected but another troublesome situation surfaced when the ginger heard the knocking of the front door. The ginger's eyes widened before he calmed himself. He left the brunette's side before locking the door. 

The ginger was confident in his convincing skills. He gracefully walked to the front door, opening it and putting up a soft smile.

The red haired male outside, expecting Dazai at first stopped himself upon seeing the ginger.

"Hello? Is Dazai home?" 

The ginger shook his head, simply replying with an easy lie, "No, I'm his study partner for an upcoming project. I'm waiting for him to come back from lunch."

The other raised a brow before nodding, looking down at his phone, "Give me a minute..."

Chuuya took the chance to observe the man. Red bangs covering the other's face slightly, the taller male looked older than himself. Oh, he knew him...It was that friend of Dazai's that the brunette always hang out with. The ginger often saw him with the brunette on the weekends. 

He didn't really catch his name though. 

His train of thoughts were cut when the red haired male showed his phone screen to the ginger.

Chuuya sighed to himself. When was this man going to leave? 

The ginger skimmed through he man's text messages, processing each message given.

Chuuya found his eyes widening slightly, internally cursing at himself.

"Dazai was supposed to meet me at the nearby bus stop to eat lunch together. He hasn't showed up for about half an hour. Are you sure you haven't seen him?"

The ginger continued with his act, his face contorting to one with concern, "Yes, he told me he was going out for lunch. Maybe he's lost his way?"

"I doubt that, Dazai has met me at that bus stop for more than a year. I called him just now but he didn't pick up so I came to his place."

Chuuya hummed, "That's worrying, maybe I can try to call Dazai's other friends to see where he is?" 

The red haired raised a brow as he watched the ginger fish out his own phone from his pocket.

"Sorry, with all due respect, Dazai doesn't have a wide social circle so I don't think he has other close friends."

Chuuya bit his lip as he glanced at the red haired before side glancing the closed bedroom door behind him."

"I apologise, I wasn't aware of that. I thought he was friends with one of out classmates."

Chuuya made a careless mistake. How did this man know Dazai didn't have that many friends. Was he really his only friend? He'll just try to cover it up with another convincible lie. He saw the other's face contort with suspicion before the ginger could stop him, the other had pressed the dial button. 

Muffled ringing came from the bedroom. The red haired male glanced at the ginger before at the coincidently closed door he just noticed. Chuuya acted quickly, giving a round house kick to the other's face. He really should have silenced that phone. Maybe he'll just destroy it later, it'll be interrupting his plans.

The red haired blocked the kick to his face. The ginger wasn't scared or panicked at the least bit. Though the other was taller than him, he was sure he'd win with hand to hand combat.

"You-! Who exactly are you?" The other exclaimed as the ginger picked up a nearby chair throwing it at the taller with ease.

The red haired seemingly blocked it with his forearm, the ginger's eyes narrowed. That must've hurt. The taller winced as he supported himself, shoving his phone in his own pocket before approaching the ginger warily. He eyes the closed door and Chuuya noticed, sliding across the counter top and swiftly pulling out one of the kitchen knives from it's standing holder on the kitchen table, pointing it dangerously at the other as a warning. The red haired backed away cautiously, putting his hands in the air before closing the still open door.

Chuuya raised a brow as his grip on the knife handle tightened slightly. He didn't bother to research that much about this guy. He didn't have some talent he didn't know about right?

The ginger acted on impulse, stepping a few steps towards the marooned haired male before rushing forward, attempting to slice at the other's neck. He could deal with the cleaning up and disposing of body later. He just needed him dead. Unexpectedly, his attempt was futile as the red haired male grabbed hold of his wrist, moving his head to the side to dodge the incoming sharp blade of the knife.

With a quick twist, the ginger's grip on the weapon faltered slightly and the other took advantage of that to snatch the knife away and throw it at the side, frantically out of reach for the both of them. Hastily grabbing the red head's other wrist, the ginger only glared at the other, using his own body weight to his advantage and leaning onto the other's tight grip on his wrist, hearing the taller grunt. 

Chuuya's eyes narrowed as he felt the other push against him. Was he trying to make him lose balance. 

The ginger quickly let go, allowing the other's pushing force to topple both of them over. He quickly turned, mounting himself onto the other. He never lost a fight and wasn't planning to any time soon.

The other surprisingly never fought back, letting go of the other's wrists in the meantime.

"What did you do to Dazai?" The red haired male continued, finding himself not bothered about the situation he was in.

"Worried about your friend? Nothing really, he's safe with me so I'll let you live if you leave this house with your mouth shut."

"You planning on killing me?" The other chuckled at the threaten which only made the ginger frown.

"If necessary yes. Another missing poster won't be a problem and it won't hinder my plans in anyway."

"Who are you?"

"None of your business. It's me who's asking the question. Who are you to Dazai?"

"A mere friend, his moral support maybe."

The ginger hummed in curiosity. 

"Very well, would you leave or die?" 

"Show me Dazai, prove to me that's he's okay in your hands and I'll leave with my mouth shut." 

The ginger's nose scrunched up slightly.

"Aren't you bold to talk back to me?"

"I am aren't I. So?"

The ginger weighed the consequences. It was easy to defeat this man so it shouldn't be problem. He didn't want to deal with the body disposal either.

"Alright but try anything funny and-"

"Great now get off me." The other cut the redhead off rudely.

Chuuya watched slowly as he got off the other. Who did this man think he was? 

As the ginger opened the bed room door, he went in, leaning against the nightstand, giving the other a dangerous glare as the red head entered.

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