Chapter 10

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Slamming the door open by force, the redhead panted from running all the way to the brunette's apartment.

He hastily glanced around the currently empty apartment. The device was nl where to be found. Chuuya wouldn't have disposed of it right? No, he wouldn't be able to do that in such a short period of time. He was also in the risk of a stranger finding out of he dispsosed of it carelessly.

"Looking for this?" A dreading voice echoed in the apartment.

Glancing over to the bedroom door that has opened, a ginger approached the other, upper body bare.

Oda sucked in a shallow breath as his grit his teeth

"Thankfully, I had a spare similar looking device as this. It would've been bad if this got out." The ginger continued, ignoring the redhead's glare towards him.

Hearing no response from the other, the ginger placed the device on the table, "I was wondering whether i should smash it or maybe burn it? What do you think?"

Without hesitation, the redhead pounced forward, eyeing the device as the ginger sighed snatching snatching away.

What he wasn't expecting was for Oda to change direction to face him, attempting to snatch the device from his hands.

Backing to the kitchen, the ginger's hand twitched to fish the knife out of the holder on the kitchen top and slash at the redhead but he resisted it.

He could take him down without killing him.

His eyes widened when he saw the brunette that was initially in the bedroom running past them and out of the door.

He stood there in shock before his brain registered everything.

"You were distracting me..."

"That's right. Dazai has the other phone with the evidence."

The ginger grit his teeth, he was surprised he got tricked.

Throwing the device at the redhead's face to stun him, the ginger made a run to the door but was caught by the ankle.

"No you don't, you'll have to knock me out to pass through that door."

The ginger cursed out loud as he gave a punnch to the other.


Running barefooted wasn't an easy deal especially with an aching lower half.

Dazai somehow managed to wear on decent clothes and also managed to start running across a street.

The fear of the ginger right behind him was evident and the brunette just decided not to look behind him.

Ida had told him the location of where the agnecy was, he just had to run for it.

His legs ached in resistance to his fast running but he decided to ignore it and keep on running.


Run faster.

Catch a glimpse of the agency building, the brunette sighed in relief.

"What am I even doing? I should have just gave Odasaku the spare device."

The brunette mumbled to himself as he slowed down his pace, panting and taking in as much oxygen provided.

Fortunately, the agnecy was close to his apartment.

However, slwing down was a big mistake.

A hand gripped onto his wrist as the brunette froze up.

His head slowly turned to face the ginger who looked worn out. did he get here so fast? What happened to Oda?

He wanted to shout for help but his voice didn't allow him to. His eyes widened when he saw the ginger glaring at him.

"Smart plan I have to say but I guess you didn't play your part by running fast enough." Chuuya said, eyes narrowing when he saw the phone clutched in Dazai's hand.

Noticing the glance, the brunette pulled away, reaching for the door knob but the ginger subtly yanked him away, dragging him away from the building.

He still couldn't find his voice and could only allow the ginger to drag him further and further away from the agnecy building.

What exactly was happening? How did he even get here so fast?

A million questions ran through his kind as he attempted yanking his hand away burnthe ginger only grabbed tighter and tighter, blocking the blood circulation of his wrist.

When all hope was lost, the brunette ws on the verge of crying. Oda would have gotten injured and he couldn't even save himself.

"Nakahara Chuuya right?"

The ginger sighed, putting up a smile as he turned, facing a unfamiliar blonde, "Yes. Is there a problem. We're in a rush somewhere."

The blonde pushed up his glasses, approaching the ginger as he yanked his hand away from the stunned brunette, before clicking a handcuff around his two wrists.

"I hereby arrest you for kidnapping, rape and other possible crimes."

The ginger's eyes widened, "How...but." He's eyes glanced to the brunette who was coldly staring at him before looking at the device still in his hands.

"Oda Sakunosuke provided us with the last minute evidence."

The blonde explained, pulling the ginger towards one of the cars by the road.

"That motherfucker...he took the device I left? I'm sure I knocked him out." The ginger muttered but wasn't careful of his volume and it was slightly audible to Kunikida.

"You are also being arrested for assault. Please be mindful that anything you say or do can be sued against you."

The ginger cursed as he was sourced into the car.

Dazai who was surprised on the situations outcome, felt a sudden relief in his body as his knees felt weak, resulting in him collapsing.

The blonde caught him before he touched ground as he suspected him off the floor.

"Oda is fine, he's at the nearby hospital. You need to get to the hospital too."

The blonde gestured for a few men behind him to support the brunette into a separate car.

"Kunikida-sensei....?" The brunette raised his brow as the blonde entered the car as well.

The blonde sighed as he explained, "I work as a part time detective at the armed detective agency. Oda gave me a simple code to say 'SOS.' "

"Someone's On Sleeping mode..." the brunette muttered to himself, barely audible for the other.

Kunikida nodded, "You'll have to go to court with Oda I'm a few weeks to testify Nakahara Chuuya's guilt."

The brunette hummed, lips quivering at the thought of that.

"But I have to say, your plan to get Nakahra-san arrested is amazing. You had multiple backup plans."

The brunette hummed, slouching into the back seat of the car as his eyes glanced outside.

"It took me a few hours to craft it..."

The blonde coughed as he cleared his throat.

"A few hours?"

The brunette groaned as he complained, "Exactly, it took so long!"

Kunikida chuckled, "I was thinking of saying you're really fast."

The brunette's eyes narrowed before nodding.

"Well you're in safe hands now, don't  worry."

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