Chapter 5

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Sighing in relief at the familiar red head entering the room, the brunette's outstretched arms accepts the hug Oda gave him.

"You okay? Nothing happened last night right?" The red haired asked, as his fingers brushed the brunette's arms gently as a gesture to comfort the other.

"Nothing much. Met his phsyco sister." The brunette rolled his eyes, recalling what happened yesterday.

"He has a sister?" Oda asked, raising a brow as he glanced at the door checking if the ginger was there. Thankfully, he wasn't.

"Yes, she's okay with her brother doing..." The brunette gestured to his room and himself, "This!" He continued, letting his hands drop back onto his lap.

The redhead laughed despite the serious situation. He once again glanced behind him and stepped a few steps back, seeing the ginger organising the kitchen, looking quite much engrossed in it.

"Well, guess what? I've helped you tell Kunikida that you won't be attending school that often now."

"What did you tell him?"

"Someone's on sleeping mode."

"What a weird way of saying it." The brunette scoffed.

"Kunikida didn't seem that angry about it, since he knew it was from you. I'm still thinking of how to," The redhead lowered his voice, "Get you out of here. Seems like we're on the losing side of a war field."

"Exactly, I don't think anyone would be convinced even if I told them I'm being isolated by a top student with good morals."

Oda hummed, stepping a few steps back just as the ginger entered the room to check on them. Noticing nothing suspicious, the ginger glanced at the redhead who had a blank face on, his eyes narrowed, "I expect you to leave in an hour."

The redhead nodded, "I will. I'll come back tomorrow as well."

Chuuya internally groaned in annoyance. He should really just kill this man. The ginger's train of thoughts were cut off when his attention turned to Dazai. The brunette wouldn't be too happy if he did kill him so Oda's lucky for now.

The redhead sighed in frustration before leaving to continued organising the kitchen. It was quite messy and he had organised the top shelves already. Left the table and bottom shelves to go.

Upon seeing the ginger leave and the following sounds of things being placed down, the redhead massaged his temples as he sat down beside the brunette's bed.

"Don't worry, Dazai. I'll try to gather as much people as I can then we might just need evidence."

The brunette's eyes glanced to the phone in Oda's hand and pointed at it.

Raising a brow, the redhead passed his phone over after unlocking it. The brunette tapped on the camera function of the phone and his eyes glanced around the room, keeping Oda in the dark, unaware of his plans.

Focusing on the cupboard right in front of the brunette's bed, a sly smile crept up his face as he wobbly got up with the help of Oda's support and he took off the show box on the top of the cupboard that was originally there. If Chuuya hadn't taken if away meant that he took no notice of it or at least didn't find it dangerous.

Glancing to the bedroom door, he caught a glimpse of the ginger's back facing the room as he did quick work with silencing Oda's phone and dimming the phone light before tapping on the record button, placing it in the shoe box, there was conveniently a hole at the bottom of the box so he adjusted the phone so that the camera could fit perfectly in the box before gently placing it onto his cupboard again.

Based on his line of thinking, the way the box is placed would allow the camera to at least record everything that's happening on the bed. Perfect.

Oda caught on quickly as he nodded. "I have a spare phone. I think that phone can record for at least 15 hours before automatically saving the footage."

The brunette nodded, quickly slotting himself underneath the covers on his bed. The brunette did wonder what kind of phone was that, being able to record continuously for 15 hours. Noticing the brunette's question in his head, the redhead explained, "I use that phone for drama where we need to record long footages so it comes in handy. It has quite a big storage as well."

Nodding in an understanding way, the duo just started talking about school, knowing that talking so openly about escaping would be bad if the ginger somehow heard.


An hour sadly passed and the redhead had to leave once again. The ginger watched him go, eyes narrowing when Oda left the apartment without much hassle. Maybe he just didn't want trouble. Sighing in content, the ginger entered the brunette's room, glancing around the room much to the brunette's fear. Noticing nothing was added or taken away, the ginger walked to Dazai's bed, smiling lightly.

Thank the gods that the Chuuya didn't noticed anything. Calming himself down, the redhead was fast to cling onto the other as if he was touch starved. Only when the ginger climbed onto the bed did the brunette start getting alarmed. He pushed the redhead away but to no avail. His thin and weak arms were no match to the ginger's.

And like that, the redhead had forced himself onto the brunette again, ignoring all of the brunette's screams and cries to stop. A perfect situation to be called rape and it was caught on camera as well. One evidence has been collected, now the brunette just had to start collecting more.

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