Chapter 6

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Hazy brunettes eyes glancing over to the shoe box on his cupboard, he pulled the blanket further upwards to cover his nose as his eyes warily watched as the ginger left the room.

Upon hearing the clanking of cups most likely coming from the kitchen, the brunette quickly rolled out of bed, retrieving the box with shaky legs hardly keeping himself up.

As soon as he got the phone, he replaced the box perfectly where it initially was before stopping the recording.

He sighed in relief when he pushed it into the gap in between imhis bed and the wall where there was a small and deep gap there where he could easily slip the phone in.

He hastily went back to his original position, positioning the blanket so as to cover the gap just in case the ginger was observant even to notice it.

Familiar muffled knocking made Dazai smile as he hastily sat up, pulling the blanket over him even though he was fully clothed.

He could hear the ginger groan in irritation before opening the door, allowing the other to make his way to the brunette's room.

Upon seeing the redhead's face, Dazai's eyes lit up, accepting a hug of comfort from the other. He caught a glimpse of the ginger's eyes narrowing and his grip on the cup of coffee in his hand tightening but Chuuya merely rolled his eyes before leaving.

The duo left in the room smiled at each other before the brunette hastily handed the redhead the phone.

"I got a sole evidence. Save it to your other phone."

The red head's eyes widened as he nodded, slipping the phone into his pocket as he worriedly glanced at the brunette, hands suddenly grabbing the brunette's bandaged one's as he asked, his tone serious and there was no room for jokes.

"You're not hurt? What did he do to you?"

The brunette stayed silent as he smiled, "Odasaku, promise me you won't look at the video."

"What do you mea-"

"Promise me. You won't look at the video. Please."

The red haired let go of the other before sighing and nodding, "I promise."

Afterwards, Oda quickly transferred the video into his other device before passing the phone back to the brunette who nodded, placing the phone back to the hidden spot.

"I'll try to provoke him today to get him to react." The burnette continued, and at the shoe box, plan already present in his mind.

Dazai, don't provoke him too much he might hurt you."

"That's exactly what I want him to do. The more evidence we have, the sooner I can get him in jail."

Frowning, Oda continued, "I get that you want to get rid of him soon but don't cause unnecessary harm to yourself in the meantime."

"It's not unnecessary." The brunette replied bluntly, his attention turning back to the redhead who only nodded, knwoijgnno amount of persuasion will change the brunette's mind.

"Just stop him before it gets too serious." Oda phrased it in another way and sighed in relief when the brunette nodded.

"I can do that."

"Do what?" The ginger raised a brow, glancing from the redhead to the brunette.

Dazai glanced away as Oda bit his lip before replying, "To keep himself hydrated. He looks more and more tired everytime I see him."

Chuuya, believing that convincing lie, nodded, "I'll do that." He emphasised as his eyes narrowed before leaving the room.

Oda merely frowned before passing a spare battery charger for the phone to Dazai as the brunette accepted it with a soft 'thank you' before stashing it away at the same gap where the phone was.

"The battery most likely eont last a whole night, better start charging now."

Yawning, Dazai nodded, hands slowly reaching for the phone and charger, plugging in the wire before glancing back at the red head who was apparently observing his room.

"Did he really remove everything 'dangerous' in your room?"

"Yes. I've checked my secret compartments and he even found those. He even took away my books, saying it was sharp."

Oda sighed, "Maybe he's scared you'll get a paper cut."

"I doubt it."

"Well, we'll just have to see what happens."

The brunette reluctantly nodded.


Dazai exhaled outslowly as he pulled the blanket over himself, huddling at the corner of the bed.

The ginger entered the room, raising a brow, it was night, the sky already painted a dark blue. He had just finished washing up the dishes and was about to check up on Dazai.

"Love, what are you doing?"

Words dripped with caution yet sickening sweetness to Dazai. He never liked how his name or nicknames rolled off the ginger's tongue. It was utterly disgusting. He hated how the ginger forced hik to say his name too. To him, Chuuya's name was a sin and was not meant o be said.

The brunette sighed as his eyes flashed at the shoe box, phone already placed there and giving a good angle of the whole room.

Leaping up to his feet, the brunette did quick work in throwing the balnekt towards the surprised Chuuya and making a run for the door.

The ginger rcaught up to him fast, hands reaching for his wrists and binding them together.

"Now, where are you going?"

Dazai couldn't help but shiver at the cold voice. He really did it this time. But it was fine, he wasn't trying to escape.

If everything goes according to his plan...

The ginger dragged the brunette back into the room, Dazai stumbling and tripping, falling onto he floor and at the mercy of the ginger.

Throwing a lunch at the redhead, Chuya dodged it, grabbing the other's wrist and eyes narrowing as he earned.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself, Dazai. Be a good boy and go back to bed."

The brunette turned a dead ear to ginger's warning, his other hand tackling the ginger onto the ground as well.

They were positioned perfectly next to the bed. Everything was good and to his advantage.

The ginger's arm, in a swift action, jerked back and in a split second, the brunette hit his head on the edge of the bed, falling limp as the ginger sighed.

Blood trailing from his nose, Dazai's hazy eyes soon close, afterwards falling unconcious.

The ginger had hit him and it was fine.

It was just an act for evidence.

But it hurt, alot. The ginger really had a lot of strength, compared to his size.

Chuuya mumbled a fee inaudible words as he carried the brunette to the bed, using a handkerchief in one of the night stands closets, cleaning away the blood before checking the brunette's back of the lump or blood.

Dazia was not hurt, just lost consciousness, the ginger sighed in relief.

Eyeing the rope that he had taken out of one of the kitchen's cabinets when he was cleaning on the counter the ginger smiled.

Hr had to make sure the brunette didn't try to escape again and give him a lesson he wouldn't forget.

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