Chapter 9

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"What did you do to him?" The redhead exclaimed, grabbing the ginger by the collar.

Chuuya merely rolled his eyes, gripping onto the redhead's hand tightly, twisting it in a way where Oda would lose his grip and release the ginger's collar.

"He tried escaping and I couldn't allow that. Don't worry, he's okay, he won't die, the ulcers will heal in a few weeks."

The redhead's eyes widened as he grit his teeth before exhaling, composing himself, "He's not okay. He's suffering because of you."

Chuuya smirked before scoffing, "I love Dazai. I'm just helping him see my love."

The redhead's brows furrowed, "You're messed up."

With that, Oda left to enter the bedroom.

Chuuya sighed, fingers twitching to grab the knife on the kitchen table, stabbing the redhead with it but he calmed himself.


Upon entering the brunette's bedroom, the redhead quickly rushed to the brunette's side, Dazai currently saving the videos into one of Oda's devices.

"You done, Dazai?"

The brunette nodded, passing the separate device and the used power bank back to the redhead.

"I think we have enough evidence, you should go report it already."

The redhead's frowned before nodding.

"I'll come back tomorrow."

The redhead left hastily, scared that the ginger would question him. Chuuya gripped onto the redhead's shoulder as he glared.

"Don't try to do anything funny?"
The redhead scoffed before leaving without a word.

Chuuya raised a brow before entering the bedroom, eyes narrowing when he saw the frown on the brunette's face.

He approached the other as the brunette bit his lip.



The redhead glanced at the blonde who was currently approaching him.

"Kunikida-kun, you got my message."

"Funny way of putting it though. 'Someone's On Sleepingmode'. It took me a few days to understand it."

The redhead chuckled before nodding, passing the spare device to the blonde.

"Here's the evidence Dazai accumulated. He said that bring it to the agency and let them handle it from there."

The blonde nodded, glancing warily around them as he waved at the other, dropping the spare device carefully into his own bag.

The redhead sighed as he watched the other leave. He had a bad feeling.


Chuuya grips Dazai by his throat, squeezing slightly to prevent the brunette from resisting his attempts. He succeeds in littering the brunettes skin with hickeys and marks. His marks...

"Hah...I'm s-sorry..."

Dazai's eye wells up with tears as another unwilling moan is torn from his mouth. It comes out with his own choked and watery gasps.

The ginger only smirked as he hummed.

"S-Sto-," Dazai sucks in a breath at the perfectly timed thrust. Another moan left his pursed lips.

Chuuya is panting above him, sweat dripping down his body as he managed a cheeky smile.

"Apologise." He demands and rolls his hips at a merciless pace but noticing the brunette's breath and how his thighs clamped desperately together. The ginger slowed his pace down, thrusting his hips at an agonizing slow pace.

Dazai doesn't answer, just twists his neck so he can hide his shame and the desperation on his face, evident for the ginger to see.

"Apologise." He demands again and grips the base of Dazai's cock, pressing it just a slight bit tight for the brunette to whimper.

Dazai refuses to say anything. He was in pain and he wanted the release he was craving for but the ginger wasn't giving it to him.

"Osamu, apologise." Upon hearing his first name being used, the brunette flinched but still said nothing.

Dazai is stubborn but Chuuya is even more so. He wrings every noise, loud and small, out of Dazai and he keeps the brunette's climax at bay. Dazai shivers and twitch uncontrollably.

"You feel good right?" Chuuya asks, a menacing smile on his face before continuing "I'll let you cum if you Apologise."

Dazai knows what game Chuuya is trying to play, he knows. But not being able to find his release is just agony.

"Chuuya," It comes out as a breathy moan as the brunette was pulled by the hair to face the ginger.

"Apologise." The ginger repeated that word for the umpteenth time.

"I-im sorr-y" it came out as soft as a whisper and the ginger wasn't satisfied with it, demanding again for an apology.

"I'm sorry, Chuuya!" The brunette exclaimed.

"That's right...Apologise until your throat goes dry."

The brunette skbbed as the ginger continued his thrusting of hips, hands leaving the brunette's cock and instead on his wrists, rendering him unable to use his hands and do nothing but watch.


"What do you mean, there's nothing inside that file?" The redhead exclaimed loudly on the phone as he heard the other side sigh.

"I gave it to the agency and they checked the device. It was empty. Are you sure you gave me the right device?"

"Of course I'm sur-" the redhead cut himself off.

"Don't tell me..." he muttered, still audible to the other side.

Chuuya gripped onto the redhead's shoulder as he glared.

"Don't try to do anything funny?"

"Dazai...he's in trouble.!" The redhead continued, legs running faster than his mind could think.

"What do you mean?" The blonde on the other side exclaimed as well, noticing the urgency in the other's voice.

"I think Chuuya had swapped the device with a replica of it, he knew the whole time."

The pther cursed, "I'm coming. Ensure Dazai's safe."

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