Chapter 8

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The next day, blisters and ulcers had already formed in the brunette's mouth and some in his throat. Thankfully it wasn't serious until they had to go to the doctor but it was painful nevertheless.

Talking and eating were painful.

Observing the ulcers in the brunette's mouth, the ginger hummed.

"Doesn't look serious..."

The brunette, due to the excruciating pain of keeping his mouth open for the other, Dazai couldn't help but close his mouth, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

The ginger sighed as he ordered, "Open your mouth Dazai. I need to inspect it properly. I don't want you to be in anymore pain."

The brunette frowned, he was already in a lot of pain. And he hated pain.

The ginger caught himself sounding demanding and harsh so he changed his method.

His main goal of even isolating Dazai in his own room and everything that lead up to this point was because he wanted the brunette to love him back.

Cupping the younger's chin and tilting it upwards, he tried again.

"Please Osamh, open your mouth." He lowered his tone and made it sound gentle and calm.

Seeing the brunette shaking his head, the redhead let his hand dropped onto the bed.

He had to result in forcing the brunette again. He didn't like doing that but if it was necessary, he'll do it.

Grabbing onto the brunette's jaw he forced the other's mouth open with much difficulty as the brunette was resisting against his grip.

Finally forcing open the brunette's mouth, a strangled cry escaped the younger as the redhead's eyes squinted. He glanced at the ulcers, trying to take a good look at them to see if it needed medical attention or not.

However, due to the brunette struggling, the ginger couldn't see the other's mouth properly.

The brunette's hands were currently once again tied up with rope, since the first thing he did when he woke up was try to punch the ginger.

Before even thinking of the consequences, the ginger shoved a finger down the brunette's mouth, pressing down hard at one of the bigger blisters.

The ginger only was brought back to reality when he cries and screaming of pain reached his ears. He glanced back at the brunette who had tears streaming down his cheeks, whole body shaking as he hastily retracted his hand, allowing the brunette to sit on his lap, the rope bidding his wrists together abraising his skin due to the vigorous struggling to get out of the binds.

He would've definately bit down on Chuuya's finger but his mouth hurt to much as the pain raidtaed throughout his throat and down to his stomach and it was unbearable.

However, at that point of time, Chuuya seemed like he was somewhere else. He only kept on pushing harder and harder. The pain was excruciating.

The throat and mouth ulcers and  blisters were bulging and will most likely take more than a week to recover.

The ginger was internally cursing at himself, asking himself why the hell did he do that. Now, Dazai's going to hate him more. However, he calmed himself down, the more time Dazai spends time with him, the more the brunette would love him. His main objective and problem he's facing now is the worry of Dazai escaping again. Knowing Dazai with his many hidden talents, he could escape without Chuuya even knowing.

The redhead knew he had taken the brunette's obedience for the past few days for granted. Like his sister said, Dazai most probably won't be on his side for now.

His lips curled up menacingly as the grip on the brunette's waist tightened, "How many ulcers would I have to press and pop for you to cry your lungs out?" He caught himself saying that without thinking.

It was just a mumble from Chuuya but Dazai heard it and he looked at Chuuya with wide eye, hoping the other was joking. 

"Be a good and don't run away," Chuuya smiles at him.

The brunette yanked himself out of the other's grip, mouth shut close as his widened eyes glanced warily at the ginger who merely pulled the younger closer to him, embracing the other. 

"You won't leave me will you?"

The brunette shook his head hastily.

Chuuya smiled, it seems he found a new way to make the brunette love him faster.

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