Chapter 3

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Noticing the unconscious brunette on the bed, the red haired sighed in relief upon seeing the subtle railing of the brunette's chest underneath the blanket.

Glancing at the ginger who was giving him a deadly glare. Reaching out for the blanket, the ginger spoke up, "I rather you don't."

Raising a brow, "Why?" He asked, worried about the answer.

"To help him keep his sanity. I'm sure he won't want you to see him with not clothes on." The ginger smirked, imagining the brunette's flustered face.

Nodding understandingly, the taller continued, "I'm staying here until he wakes up."

The ginger frowned, "I remembered you saying you just wanted to check on him."

"I've changed my mind."

Seeing the determined look in the other's eyes, the ginger sighed. He didn't want to have any more trouble so he merely nodded, sitting down.

Watching the red haired intently, the ginger contemplated asking for the other’s name but decided against it when he noticed that the red haired was engrossed at staring at Dazai, maybe hoping that staring at him would wake him up.

Chuuya sighed to himself, what mess has he gotten into?

It wasn’t that it would hinder his plans, it’s that an extra person knows what's happening. Keeping an eye on Dazai and this new guy was going to be troublesome. Maybe he should have just killed him. However, his sister was out of town which meant he had to deal with all the cleaning up.

Shutting his eyes for a few seconds to plan his next action, the ginger watched as  the red haired threaded his fingers through the brunette's hair in a comforting manner.

The urge to snap that hand in half was evident as the ginger exhaled out. It was fine. Just hair, it was just hair…

As if reading his mind, the taller glanced over his shoulder to see the ginger, arms akimbo, one leg crossing over the other. The ginger looked back, rolling his eyes at the other before returning to his own thoughts.

The red haired just ignored it and looked back at the brunette who didn’t show any signs of waking up any sooner. It was fine, he could wait. He always waited for the other.

At the end, Chuuya had decided after much debate in his mind that he’ll leave the duo in the room by themselves, to make himself a cup of coffee and maybe a cup of water for Dazai when he woke up. The red haired could gladly get a drink by himself.
The room consisted of only a door and a window. The ginger would obviously notice if anyone left through the door, the window was locked and only had the key. Crashing it would make a sound.

Totally foolproof.

Giving a glare as a warning, the ginger left the room, opening the shelves in the kitchen. He knew where was where. From his close observations, he had remembered where the brunette kept what.

Scooping a few scoops of coffee powder into the mug, the ginger yawned. He hoped the brunette would wake up soon. The sooner he woke up, the sooner the red haired would leave and he’ll get his much deserved quality time with Dazai.

The ginge then decided confidently that he’ll wait outside, sitting on one of the couch, a perfect view of the bedroom door but not inside but Chuuya doubted the red head would do anything. He couldn’t anyway. He had taken away or replaced anything that Dazai could use to escape. Scissors, photo frames, pen knives and much more.

He had done a thorough check of the whole room. Minutes soon became an hour and the red head was still in the room. The ginger sighed in annoyance, taking another sip of coffee as he placed the mug down, slouching into the couch. He was getting tired. He couldn’t sleep especially with an unauthorised man in Dazai’s room but Chuuya knew his awareness skills could sense if the duo passed him. But for extra precaution, he’ll stay awake, nothing he couldn’t handle.

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