𝟎𝟐, 𝐤𝐞𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐞

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The reason
why the moon
shines upon
a winter day


APRICOT tints were starting to color the Karasuno vaults. The day was getting closer to its end and Kei had left Tadashi to walk home alone, to which Tadashi responded with a spite-filled "Fine".

After his legs strayed him farther away from his classroom, he found himself in a different oblique of Karasuno high. The corridors were not much different than what he was used to and the ceilings were just as dark. One contrasting point was the numbers on each classroom door: when Kei was more used to two-digit numbers that all started with the number 1, the area he was in had rooms whose names started with the number after.

In front of him, a door slightly taller than himself was named "2-2".

Clawing his fingers on the door's latch, he slid the door open, letting the hot air inside it hit his half-lidded eyes.

The lights of the room were dim with only a single light bulb casting behind the rows of the neatly placed student's seats. At the front was the teacher's desk, behind it was the ink-splattered whiteboard with faint writings of equations Kei had seen before. 

Kei scratched his nose, the lack of response that the room gave to his presence was irksome. 

"Kei-chin?" The voice made its way to his ears through yawns and heavy breaths. Kei looked around, trying to find its source. "Over here," a leg lifted itself through the midst of tables. Kei's steps drew closer to it. 

"Get yourself together," he found her lying on three chairs that were arranged together to carry her weight. "I got cake," his hand floated towards her, the box of shortcake in his hold, "strawberry." 

The girl lifted herself and the clanking of chairs against one another filled the room, "Nice. Gimme." She lifted her back straight, taking the space of only the middle chair and leaving the other two unseated. 

A sigh escaped Kei's lips as he placed the box on the table in front of her. He threw himself on the empty space by her right, slipping on his headphones to let the silence consume the other. 

"Oh, this tastes good," in a matter of seconds, half the shortcake was nowhere to be found, and her fingers were smothered in pink. "Mmh, you're missing out on this, Kei-chin."

Kei turned up his music's volume to eventually cover the sounds of her chewing. 

On the other hand, she had always liked the tranquility of Karasuno's afternoons. The way the clouds danced on the sky was eye candy when the sun wasn't so blinding. The air it blew also wasn't the worst part of the institute, she could get drunk inhaling the quietude of it all. And what better companion did she rather have than the equally quiet Tsukishima Kei?

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐄, yamaguchi tadashiWhere stories live. Discover now