𝟎𝟑, 𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢

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The reason
why no one
would find the
stars dancing
with the snow


TADASHI'S mind had been occupied since the first hour he woke up that day. His face was a sight for sore eyes, you'd assume part of his soul had left his body.

What would he tell Sasaki Himari this time? It was the second time her gift to Kei was turned away that month and the first week had just started. Himari wasn't a stupid girl, she'd be sure to outgrow her feelings for Kei one day. And when those feelings are outgrown, Tadashi would have to lose another factor that made him relevant to the public eye.

Yamaguchi Tadashi, a bit of an asshole and he knew it.

When he turned to the window, in front of the morning clouds, the glass reflected a reluctant silhouette standing beside his chair.

"Yamaguchi-kun?" A voice called to him, her tone made it seem like she'd been calling him multiple times.

Letting his ponders wash away, he quickly turned his seat to face her, "Sorry. Did you say something, Sasaki-san?"

"Well, you seem lost in thought," she sat on the empty seat beside him. "I'm not bothering you, aren't I?"

"You'll never catch yourself bothering a guy like me." 


The first bell of study break rang loudly when Tadashi was finishing his notes. Hearing his classmates bustling to leave the classroom, he placed his pen to the side and picked up his notebook to bask in his own diligence. The paper inside was adorned in sentences written so closely together you'd assume the person writing it was wee on the studious kind. Highlighted words, underlined statements, and even some bold colors painted Tadashi's notebook like a canvas. 

Unfortunately, just in the midst of it all, right in the center of the two pages he opened, a huge circle of undirected scribbles easily took the spotlight-a product of Tadashi Yamaguchi's well-stored stress. 

Himari, as expected, asked him about Kei's response to her gift. See, Tadashi could easily lie but that would backfire if Himari ran her pretty mouth off to her friends, allowing a line of Kei's other admirers to hear such rumor and stop talking to Tadashi out of heartache. So he told her the truth, like the good person he was. 

As expected, again, Himari's attitude dropped with her smile. Thankfully, the chime rang just in time before her strand of complaints escaped her little throat. 

Frankly, if it were up to himself, Tadashi would lovingly shove every one of Kei's gifts down Kei's long, slim neck. Then he'd be able to tell all of the people who loved him that he enjoyed every last bit of their effort. But no, Kei just had to play the role of the ice king; making others want more, making them think that they're the one secretly fated to him and leaving the rest to their imagination. 

𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐄, yamaguchi tadashiWhere stories live. Discover now