A Dangerous Game

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"Luna, did you hear what I said?" asked Yami.

"Yes," Luna said, staring blankly at Yami.

"You're the only one left, they've killed everyone else who had been sent to investigate their crimes."

"I need you to tell me everything you know Luna, right here and now. You've been looking into Zara Ideale's death again haven't you?"

For a split second Luna thought she heard a small thud against her door, a moment later she responded. "Yes. I have."

Yami raised his voice slightly. "Dammit, Luna. I told you to drop it. Is that what you have been doing these last three weeks?"

"Not just that, I was hunting those three mages I told you about, and looking into those disappearances."

"Disappearances that were meant to draw you out!" Yami was getting angry now.

There was another noise against the door, Yami must have heard it this time because he quickly stood up and made his way to the door, throwing it open.

"I thought I told you to get the hell out of here shark face," Yami growled as he dragged a squirming Zora from the hall by his robe.

Yami threw Zora next to Luna who was still sitting on the bed. The towering man leaned down to meet Zora's gaze. Luna saw Zora shudder from the corner of her eye. "If I catch you eavesdropping on a private conversation with one of my squad again, I will break every bone in your damn body."

Yami walked back to the door and slammed it shut.

"Do you understand how much danger you are putting Luna in by sticking your nose where it doesn't belong you little punk?"

Zora opened his mouth to speak but Yami interrupted him. "I don't give a shit what you have to say dumb-ass. Now shut up and listen. If you breathe a word of what you just heard or what you are about to hear, to anyone, you're dead. Got it?"

Zora nodded.

Luna stared at Zora in disbelief. "What the hell were you thinking?" she whispered to Zora as Yami walked back to his chair.

Zora didn't respond, he sat on the bed staring at the stone floor.

Yami continued, "Luna, tell me what you know about Zara's death." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Everything."

Luna breathed in deeply, she felt Zora's eyes on her now. He did have a right to know but she had hoped for a different setting to tell him about his father.

Luna started. "As you know Zara was a Purple Orca and he trusted his squad implicitly."

"And they murdered him in cold blood just because he was a commoner," Zora growled.

"Let her finish," Yami demanded.

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