The Mission Begins

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Luna's mind was still swimming with the thoughts of Zora as she strolled towards the common room. She remembered little of her life before meeting Yami and Julius but Zara Ideale stood out vividly in her mind. He had been so kind to her and now, it seemed, it was his very own son who had saved her and given her a life of her own.

Over the last few months, Luna's memories of Zara had begun to return to her. She remembered Zara speaking often about Zora and that it was his hope that the two would meet one day. Luna still had trouble believing she had met Zora just a few short years after Zara's death. It pained her to think that she could only remember meeting him two weeks ago. She would never admit it to him of course, but she found herself hopelessly drawn to him during that encounter.

He had been far more handsome than she had imagined and his skill with trap magic intrigued her. In the two weeks since they had met, she thought often of him and wondered when she would see him again. It was to her great surprise when she walked into the Black Bulls hideout two weeks later and found him standing with their squad, wearing a Black Bulls robe.

Zora had saved her life thrice now: once as a child, saving her from a life of abuse, then again two weeks ago, though, she told herself, had he heeded her warnings his intervention would have been unnecessary, and finally, last night. She owed him a debt she knew she would never be able to repay, and yet, it seemed as though fate itself had orchestrated these chance encounters.

There were so many questions Luna wanted to ask Zora, she yearned to spend as much time as she could with him, learning about their time together, hoping the conversation would help her to remember more about herself. She was also curious to know what he had been doing these past ten years. She would have plenty of time to ask him during their mission knowing it would take several days to a week or two to gather all of the information they needed.

The thought of spending so much time with Zora and getting to know him more filled her with excitement.

When Luna entered the common room she found Yami sitting by the window of the far corner of the room. He had a foot propped up on one of the chairs and was staring out the window, an unreadable expression clouded his face. The morning sun bathed the room in a bright creamy glow, infusing it with a fresh and calm atmosphere.

Luna stepped forward towards her captain. "Captain Yami, you wanted to see us?"

"Where is Zora?" he asked, still staring out the window.

"He is on his way, I think he is still talking with Magna and Asta," she answered.

At that moment Luna heard the cries of Magna and Asta coming from the direction of Zora's room.

Grumbling Yami turned from the window and got to his feet before walking over to the bar where Luna had been standing. "You kids are a pain in my ass, you know that?"

Luna giggled, "Absolutely, but imagine how boring your life would be without us?"

Yami turned towards her, "You mean I would be able to take my dumps in peace? Sounds pretty good to be me."

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