Luna's Hesitation

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Something hard struck Zora squarely across the face causing him to roll over from the force of the blow. "Ow, what the hell?" Grumbling to himself Zora sat up slowly, his head still spinning.

"Where am I?" he asked, blinking several times to try to make the stars in his eyes go away.

"On your deathbed," a cold voice said.

Zora looked up to Luna standing over him, a thick journal in her hand.

Still in pain, Zora rubbed the side of his face, "What the hell? Why did you hit me?"

"Why did I hi-" Luna waved her arms in frustration. "You're in MY bed you freaking loser, uninvited mind you. I can hit you with whatever the hell I want."

Groaning inwardly to himself he saw that he was, in fact, in her room and lying on her bed. Screwing up his face Zora tried to remember why he was there in the first place. A jolt of realization hit him as hard as Luna had, in his anger and pain over knowing Luna was being hunted by the men who killed his father, Zora had fallen asleep in her bed. He looked over towards the window, warm, bright orange rays of the setting sun drifted into the room. Running a hand through his disheveled hair, Zora wondered exactly how long he had been asleep.

Shifting her weight to one side, Luna lifted up her hand as a long, slender blade engulfed in flame appeared in her hand. "You have two minutes to explain why you were sleeping in my bed, Zora."

Still sleepy and with his head ringing from Luna's savage attack, Zora thought he would try to ease the tension with a flirtatious response. "I guess I thought you might like to join me."

He instantly regretted these words as Luna's blade shot past his ear into the stone wall. From his peripheral Zora saw several strands of red hair fall to the bed. He turned around slowly to find that Luna's blade sticking an inch deep into the solid stone wall.

Eyes wide Zora quickly stood up, not taking his eyes off Luna. Raising his hands in front of him he held out two fingers motioning her to wait, "Okay, okay. I don't feel like dying today. The captain and I stayed behind to talk after your tantrum, I was so worked up I guess I just fell asleep without realizing it."

Luna narrowed her eyes, "You couldn't have walked back to your own room?"

Grinning stupidly, he rubbed the back of his neck, "Guess not."

Luna looked at him with annoyance. "Since I have been back you have done nothing but annoy me, and now it seems, stalk me. Don't you have anything else better to do?"

Zora rubbed the side of his face. "That really hurt," he pouted, putting his tongue to his cheek.

Luna threw her hands up in the air before turning away to her wardrobe. "You're such a loser."

"You're really mean you know that?" he said sitting back down on the bed.

Ignoring him Luna opened her wardrobe and began pulling out clothes and throwing them towards Zora. "What looks good?" she asked.

Zora stared down in confusion at the clothes in his lap. "What?"

"If you're going to stay here and keep annoying me you might as well help me figure out what I should wear to this stupid thing tonight."

Zora pushed the clothes to the side. "Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna do this."

Luna rolled her eyes at him.

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