Woman in the Woods

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Rain was falling heavily over Tolsa village, a small hamlet nestled in the Clover Kingdom's Forsaken Realm. A few miles outside of town a tall mysterious figure walked determinedly along a foot path leading into a cluster of trees. A weather-beaten robe, secured only by a thick black studded belt, enveloped the man's form. As he walked, his tall figure was lit occasionally by bright flashes as lightning rolled across the darkened sky.

The man appeared to be in his mid-twenties, his unique red hair and striking blue eyes shrouded by the hood of his thick cloak. Just above his right eyebrow resided two round, black, studs. Further setting the man apart from the ordinary was a black strapped mask encompassing the man's face only revealing his sharpened white teeth.

Zora Ideale walked quietly along the forest path; his mind occupied with memories of his father. Twelve years had passed since his father was murdered and yet, the memory of the pain he felt that day remained fresh in his heart.

Visiting his father brought Zora peace in a life otherwise wrought with hatred and despair.  He had spent the last several years off on his own hunting nefarious magic knights who used their power and position for cruel ends.

Lately, however, Zora began to question his lifestyle. He had dreamed of becoming a mage his father would be proud of. All this time Zora told himself that he was protecting people from the shadows, just like Zora the Super Mage would do, but was this all there was for him? Lately he had begun to wonder if his destiny held more in store for him.

One way of stepping forward into something more was answering a call from the Capitol. Zora had recently heard rumors of a terrorist group calling themselves 'The Eye of the Midnight Sun'. The group had caused the death of many innocent people in their recent attack on the capitol including a vicious attack on the Crimson Lion Kings Captain, Fuegolion Vermillion.

Zora cared nothing for magic knights, but the senseless killing of innocent lives concerned him deeply.

Knowing that his father would have done anything to aid the magic knights in fighting against the corrupt group, Zora had made the decision to take the Royal Knights Exam, which would determine the mages that showed the prowess and strength to defeat The Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Since, technically, Zora was a magic knight, he would be eligible to take the exam. Though the thought of teaming up with men and woman he found intolerable made him feel exasperated.

As the rain continued to fall through the trees the soft pitter patter on the leaves and forest floor comforted Zora. He wrapped his hood over his head more tightly and continued walking down the path. The strong, yet pleasant floral aroma of the white flowers he held filled the air around him, bringing treasured memories of his father to mind. He closed his eyes and smiled sadly.

He desperately wished his father was still alive, how he wished he could fight by his father's side now. Fate had chosen a different, crueler path for him and his father. Magic Knights, mages who had sworn loyalty to their kingdom had taken his father from him, all because he was a commoner.

Zora had been so lost in thought he didn't realize how close he was to his father's resting place. Not far off in the distance, Zora heard a soft gentle voice.

Without thinking Zora quickly ducked behind a tree before looking around to find the source of the voice. In a small clearing just ahead of Zora, in front of a gravestone knelt a hooded figure.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Zora moved closer to listen, as he inched nearer, he heard the voice more clearly, it was the voice of a young woman.

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