The Girl He Saved

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"Over my dead body!" Zora seethed with burning rage. He was standing between the bar and seating area of the common room glaring up at Yami who was glaring narrowed-eyed back down at Zora, his hand resting on the pommel of his Katana.

Magna glanced sideways at Yami. "I'd say he's taking it pretty well, don't you think Captain Yami, sir?"

Zora took a step closer to Yami, his fists balled up at his side, "Are you insane!"

"Back up kid or I'm gonna put you on your ass," Yami warned, glowering at Zora.

"Do it, I don't care, I won't let you send her out there tonight." Zora spat.

Magna glanced nervously between Zora and Yami, "Dude, chill, he will kill you for sure, then how will you watch over Luna."

Zora turned his head slowly towards Magna, his face contorted with fury, "I appear to be the only one here who is watching out for Luna, the rest of you seem to think that what happened last night is no big deal."

Magna took a step towards Zora, his hands curling into fists. "You've known her for what, two days? Yet you seem to have this freakish obsession with her, you think you're the only one who was affected by what happened? Get over yourself man, she isn't yours to protect or control, you creepy freak," fumed Magna.

Lunging at Magna, Zora grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him close. Magna's hands instinctively grabbed Zora's wrists in an attempt to push him away.

"Don't you ever pretend to know anything about Luna and me! You don't know anything and if I had my way you never would," growled Zora staring down at Magna who met Zora's angry gaze with defiance.

"Enough!" bellowed Yami, grabbing Zora and pulling him off Magna, "You're getting on my nerves dumbass." He threw Zora down on the couch. "You listen and you listen good because I am not going to repeat myself." Yami held up a finger, "One, don't you ever tell me what to do with my squad again," he held up another finger, "Two, don't you ever think for one second that we don't care about Luna, we all thought she died last night. All of us. Don't you pretend to know the feelings her squad has for her," he held up a third finger, "three, never and I mean never, attack a squad member in front of me like that again."

Zora sat silent glaring up at Yami, his chest was heaving.

"Do you guys have to be so loud?" whined Luna who had just wandered into the room.

Zora stood up quickly, as he met Luna's gaze a wave of calm washed over him. He was relieved to see her up and walking on her own. She was wearing a flowing lavender dress that cascaded down to her calves, its bodice cinched at the waist by an integrated corset, boasting a sweetheart neckline. Delicate, billowy sheer sleeves cascaded halfway down her arms. Adorning the dress were several blush pink flowers intertwined with periwinkle-colored vines. Zora caught his breath, she looked stunning, it took great effort for him to maintain his composure, everything in him wanted to rush over to her and wrap his arms around her.

Looking at her now he wished he would have let her in his room the night before. Zora shook his head, chastising his increasingly inappropriate thoughts, it was becoming overwhelmingly difficult for him to see her in anything but a romantic light.

"Hey, how ya feelin' kid?" asked Yami with a slight smile.

"Well, I would feel better if you jerks hadn't woken me up. I already had a hard enough time staying asleep." Luna yawned, "What were you guys arguing about anyway?" she asked glancing at Zora again who stood staring at her, enchanted by her beauty, breaking her gaze Luna lowered her head. Zora noticed a light blush cross her cheeks and the soft smile that she tried to hide.

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