Chapter 3

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"Well, it's not my fault we can't get along these days", Dino spits out frustrated and Joshua sighs deeply. Of course the brunette would be mad at Scoups. Joshua was mad too, but he blames Dino, since the brunette didn't even stop the former leader from going to jail.
"Oh is it now? Who's fault is it then? Scoups'?" Joshua asks disgusted and Dino's eyes stare at his hands. Joshua knows that his whole group is looking at them, but he doesn't care. Dino has to understand that the world isn't turning just for him.
"That's not what I meant, Joshua", the brunette says softly and the leader rolls his eyes annoyed.
"What is it then? What do you want to say? We all know that you don't like Scoups going to jail, you even blame him for it. But why didn't you stop him?" Joshua spits out. He's getting frustrated by the fact that Dino is so oblivious.
"What?" Dino asks startled.
"You where there and I don't know if you realize, but you have the biggest influence on him," the red-haired leader states, "You were the only one that could've talked him out of it. So actually, you have no right to be mad at him." The room falls silent and everyone is looking at each other awkwardly, debating whether they should interfere or not.
"Come on, guys, it's not a big deal", Jun tries to calm them down, but no one pays any attention to him.
"And you do have the right?" Dino asks, ignoring Jun completely.
"According to what you just said, you blame him too. And I hate that I'm saying this, but he had to go. If he didn't, he had to be on the run his whole life. And besides, you got something out of this, so why are you complaining?" the brunette states, crossing his arms in front of him. Joshua clenches his fists angry, how dare that stupid brat talk to him like that? 
"Do you think that I wanted to become a leader? Scoups has always been my leader and he always will be!" Joshua states offended. The younger in front of him scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"And why isn't Scoups a leader now?" he asks puzzled. Joshua stops for a moment to think about it. Although the red-haired leader hates to admit it, Dino is right on this one. 
"That's enough", Jun says firmly while he stands up. Only now Joshua realizes that the whole team has been listening to this argument with open mouths. The red-haired leader feels stupid, knowing that he has made a fool of himself in front of the whole crew. 
"Why do you guys always fight?" Vernon asks sighing. The black-haired male clearly has enough of all the fighting, but Joshua can't help it. Dino really just gets on his nerves. Seungkwan and Woojin just keep quiet in the back of the room, but Joshua feels their eyes burning on him. In the meantime, Jun has walked over to his leader and he places a hand on Joshua's shoulder.
"Maybe we should all take a rest", Joshua suggests, massaging his temples. Dino sighs deeply and walks off without saying a word. Soon after, Jun and his roommates leave as well, leaving Woojin and Joshua alone. The two males stay quiet for a while, but after a few minutes, Woojin finally speaks up.
"So that's the famous Dino everyone keeps talking about?" the blonde asks innocently. Joshua nods with a sigh, he hates the fact that no one could shut up about the brunette. For two years, Dino was the topic of every conversation. 
"From what I heard, he made a pretty big mess", Woojin continues and Joshua looks at him surprised. Woojin immediatly puts his hand in front of his mouth.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." The blonde gets cut off by Joshua's hand waving it off.
"No, it's okay. He did, actually, I'm just surprised that someone else but me sees it", Joshua mumbles and he can see Woojin relax. The younger is clearly nervous, but Joshua wants to make him feel comfortable. He's actually quite glad that he finally has someone who agrees with him.
"He caused so many deaths, why does the group still see him as a hero?" Woojin blurs out and Joshua's eyes widen in excitement.
"I know right! But when I say something about it, I'm suddenly the bad guy! Come on, it's normal to take over the lead when your leader is in jail!" Joshua adds and both males look at each other relieved. Joshua has been waiting for this moment for a long time. He finally found someone who understands his anger. Everyone else just waves it off by saying that Joshua still blames Dino for Jeonghan's death, but it goes way deeper than that. Dino came into Joshua's life and ruined everything around him. He broke Scoups, weakened the group and killed way too many people, even though he didn't really kill them himself. 
"You can always ban Dino from this team", Woojin suggests, but Joshua shakes his head in denial.
"No, that's going too far. And besides, Scoups won't approve", the red-haired leader says firmly and Woojin tilts his head confused.
"Scoups isn't your leader anymore", the blonde states teasingly, but Joshua still shakes his head.
"He will be soon enough", Joshua says and Woojin drops his shoulders dissapointed.
"Don't worry," the red-haired leader adds, "Scoups is a really nice guy. He's the best leader you can imagine." Joshua smiles thinking back about those good old times, where Scoups, Jeonghan and him were an unseperable trio. 
"I like you better", Woojin shrugs and Joshua chuckles. He really likes this kid, he feels like a mini version of himself. 
"I won't go anywhere", Joshua says while he turns around to leave.
"Good." Woojin's words reach the red-haired male as he's on his way to Scoups.

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